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Dominican College of Tarlac

Capas, Tarlac

The Sacrament of
Crizabel Ann B. Catadman
Bachelor of Secondary Education I (BSeD1)
2nd Semester
Year 2014-2015

Nelson G. Calderon
The Sacrament of Commitment

Holy Orders


Holy Orders
Holy Orders is the sacrament through which the ordained ministry of bishops,
priests, and deacons is conferred by the laying on of hands followed by the
prayer of consecration. Our ordained ministers serve the Catholic community by:

Preaching and teaching the good news of Jesus Christ

Leading us in celebrating the sacraments
Leading us in working together to build up the Christian community
Helping us serve the poor and all those in need.

The sacrament of Holy Orders is celebrated during Mass. Only a bishop can ordain
another bishop, priest or deacon. In ordaining priests, the bishop lays his hands on
the head of each candidate and prays silently. This is the most important sign n the
sacrament of Holy Orders. Then the bishop prays a prayer of consecration or the
prayer that "makes holy". Each candidate for the priesthood is also anointed with
holy oil. This is a sign of his special sharing in Christ's own priesthood through the
ordained ministry. Each new priest receives a paten and a chalice with which to lead
the community in celebrating the Eucharist. Priests are Christ's representatives on
earth. Like Baptism and Confirmation, Holy Orders confers an indelible character
and cannot be repeated.

The sacrament of holy orders is conferred in three ranks:


Matrimony is one of the two sacraments of service. Married couples promise to
serve each other with love and to serve the whole Church. They enter into a lifelong
covenant of love. This is their vocation. They serve the Church by their love and
they share in God's creation in a special way when they give birth to children. In
Matrimony, God gives a man and woman the special grace and blessings to build a
Christian family together. The Church celebrates the call to love in a special way in
the sacrament of Matrimony or marriage.

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