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Talen ~ The 'Cure' a.k.a.

Forlorn Hope
Gnosis 9
Registers as Wyrmish (likely due to being in the abyss so long.)
When activated either through the expenditure of 2 gnosis of through rolling and
getting a minimum of 2 successes the talen's spirit will 'heal' Harano. A new D
erangement will be given to the character in question. Randomly Selected.
-Hidden effect
The Bane inside once used will activate Possession except that it rolls
it's gnosis vs the Target's Current Gnosis.
Incarnae Psychomania Bane
Spirit Level: Incarnae
Type: Psychomania bane
Rage: 7
Gnosis: 9
Willpower: 8
Essence: 60
Charms: (all common), Armor, Healing, Corruption, Dark Weaving, Innocuous, Posse
ssion, Taking the Memory*
Taking the Memory: This charm removes the target's memory of the Bane from the t
arget's mind in it's entirety. The effect is permanent until the point that it s
ees or encounters the bane again. This effect can be used on any creature that h
as been touched by the Bane.
Mechanics: The Bane Rolls it's Willpower vs the being's Wits +3. The Bane then e
xpends a number of Essence completing the effect. The more spent, the more surro
unding memories regarding the Bane are lost. Maximum of 5.
1- 1 minute
2- 10 mintues
3- 1 hour
4- 1 day
5- 1 week
SECONDARY EFFECT: Creatures touched by taking the memory tend to develop
a spiritual mutation that attracts more banes to them. (IE spirit heritage 1 Ba
nes becomes avalible for purchase).

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