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‘01 ' UMN 9 UL eens. peoductiy vity 1, Establish a routine 2. Be organized 3. Make deadlines 4. Take small breaks 5. Stay motivated 6. Know yourself Has abe « ot ick on ie ee -Qrcen de be Rate 10 UFE WE DO THINGS. SOME WE WIS WE RAD NEVER DOME. SOME WE WEH WE COULD REPLAY A MLLON THES WO EADS. QUT THEY ALL MAKE US WHO WE ‘ARE, MO WN THE END THEY SHAPE EVERY ETAL ABOUT US FE WERE TO AAEVERSE. ANY OF THEM WE WOADN'T BE THE PERSON WE ARE. SO_2ST LIVE. MAKE MISTAKES, HAVE WONDERFUL MEMORIES, BUT NEVER EVER SECOND GUESS WHO YOU ‘ARE, WHERE TOU HAVE BEEN, AND HOST \PPORTANTLY WHERE TI YOU'RE GONG rane. ~~ success \ m4 mo feta Lr 6H ves? fons IP YOU WANT LO Ue FOR YOURSELF, EVERNBONN BE ELSE NDAY ro wiggling Frinay FORGIVE THEM ANYWAY BE KIND ANYWAY BE HONEST ANYWAY BE HAPPY ANYWAY DO GOOD ANYWAY GIVE YOUR BEST ANYWAY OR YOU SEE INTHE END ITS delete the people that make you feel bad about yourself from your life, unfollow them, delete their numbers, erase their texts, find happier people, pet a dog, watch a silly movie, forget about them, you're better off @fomnelimer— (YOU WIN, efornalianee Lf earns. sme protion with the world de that the intelligent fpepie are full of soutts Mnide the stupid ones Ihre full of confidence” chutes Bukoweld Seriously can't wait til the day I'm sitting in my own house with my ‘own car and a beautiful family and | can actually say, "I made it." “Sometimes, you need to be alone. Not to be lonely, but to enjoy your free time being you and yourself.” Paes ae REMIND that | dondt have do what EVERYONE ELSE “8 fa Clune ere i ion ewer / A iss a ee * Am olen cd ata -0fo1Vy LUKING. WHATMOU DO Ts aan) ei mee once a beginner. 2 — Your life is your message to the world, Make sure it’s inspiring. How SHORT A TIME IT CAN rAKE FOR VERY. /ONDERFUL THINGS To JAPPEN " z = DON'T PROMISE] WHEN YOU'RE HAPPY. ‘DON'T REPLY WHEN ‘YOU'RE ANGRY AND) DONT DECIDE WHEN ‘YOU'RE SAD oh ON DAYTULTRAVEL CTW Wao Woteo Ma “AN You wn things ond pw ART ame oud Tg on ay on a ii LOR Reel red your spending, eae nacicy money won't help. SOT Teicer nt) Siam dieleC ig POs LE St Ot LF AT IS EASY GOOD MUSIC se aN GT TV O Hours of television 1 Hour of exercise! 2 Uters of water 3 Cups of hot greenies 4 Short mental beaks 5 Small meals, 6AM wake uptime 7 Minutes of laughter 10 Prayers of gratitude 8 Hours of sleep (at least) 9PM end of the dey and off to | ud GIVE GOD YOUR Be) SY ac ATT Se

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