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Name: Aaron


Reflection - Explore the arts as an audience


The art event I saw was.. George Eksts art work. It was full
of many different Sculptures and different materials use to
make his art.
During the visit I saw.. Shapes and objects built out of
cassette tape which some were 2D and some were 3D.
What I most enjoyed about the visit was. The thing I most
enjoyed about the trip was being able to create my own
sculpture using cassette and making up my mind weather to
do it 2D or3D.
What I learnt when on the visit was.I learnt many skills with
what you can do with cassette tape and this could help me
later on in life with art. I learnt that you can make all kind of
shapes with cassette tape
The visit inspired me to want to find out more aboutthis visit
inspired me to want to create more art work like George Eskts
and use materials he uses so I can create things like him

The visit was/ wasnt what I expected becausethe visit

wasnt what I expected I thought it was going to be the same
old art work you always see but it wasnt it was amazing what
he created.

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