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S133 (Data Structure) FINAL EXAM Question 1 A data structure in which the limitation of a tree which is of a hierarchical type is lifted. It is collection of Nodes or vertices and the connections between. Select one: a. linked list b. graph c. tree d. array The correct answer is: graph. Question 2 Agraph is called a___if each of its edges has an assigned number. Select one a. numbered graph . multigraph cc. weighted graph d. circuit The correct answer is: weighted graph. Question 3 A linear list in which data can only be inserted at one end called the rear, and deleted from the other end, called the front. Select one: a. queue b. stack . linked list d. tree The correct answer is: queue. Question 4 A sequence of subroutines and functions, each of which is further organized as declarations followed by executable statement, Select one a. Source file b. Object file c. Linker d. Compiler The correct answer is: Source file. Question 5 A sequence of words organized into loader record blocks. Select one: a. Source file b. Object file c. Linker d. Compiler The correct answer is: Object file. Question 6 A sort method done by scanning an array of unsorted data from the bottom up, and two adjacent elements are interchanged if they are found to be out of order with respect to each other. Select one a. selection b. bubble c. insertion d. merge The correct answer is: bubble. Question 7 Nan tree, originally called admissible tree, is one in which the height of the left and right subtrees of every node differ by at most one. Select one: a. ALV b. AVL cc. Huffman d. LAV The correct answer is: AVL. Question 8 An aggregation of atornic and composite data types into a set with defined relationships. Select one a. abstract data type b. atomic data c. data structure d. linked list The correct answer is: data structure. Question 9 ‘An algorithm for traversing a graph that was developed by John Hoperoft and Robert Tarjan, Select one a. height-first search b. breadth-first search c. width-first search d. depth-first search The correct answer is: depth-first search. Question 10 ‘An algorithm used for finding a minimum spanning tree of a graph. Select one: a. Kuskal's Algorithm b. WFI Algorithm c. Dijktra's Algorithm d. Ford Algorithm, The correct answer is: Kuskal's Algorithm. Question 11 An algorithm used for finding the shortest path in a graph. Select one: a. Kruskal's Algorithm b. Hopcroft-Tarjan Algorithm c. Diktra’s Algorithm d. Tarjan's Algorithm The correct answer is: Djktra's Algorithm. Question 12 ‘An ordered collection of data in which each element contains the location of the next element. Select one a. Linked List b. Queue c. Stack d. Tree The correct answer is: Linked List. Question 13 ‘An undirected graph is said tobe _ when there is a path between any two vertices of the graph. Select one a. disconnected b. connected c. minimal d. cycle The correct answer is: connected, Question 14 Consists of a nonempty set V of vertices and a possibly empty set E of edges, each edge being a set of two vertices from V. Select one: a. digraph b. directed graph cc. simple graph d. multiple graph The correct answer is: simple graph. Question 15 Consists of a nonempty set V of vertices and a set E of arcs, where each arc is a pair of vertices from V. Select one: a. simple graph b. multiple graph c. directed graph d. pseudograph The correct answer is: directed graph. Question 16 Creating a/an whenever a function is called allows a system to handle recursion properly. Select one: a. function call b. activation record c. data structures d. stack and queue The correct answer is: activation record. Question 17 Defined as the structure of file in a sequence of words characters organized into lines. Select one: a. block file b, text fle c. linear fle d. source file The correct answer is: text file. Question 18 Enqueue operation inserts an element at the ___ of the queue. Select one: a. front b. middle c. rear d. top The correct answer is: rear. Question 19 Entries in a stack are "ordered". What is the meaning of this statement? Select one: a. A collection of Stacks can be sorted. b. The entries must be stored in a linked list. c. Stack entries may be compared with the '⁢' operation. d. There is a frst entry, a second entry, and so on. The correct answer is: There is a first entry, a second entry, and so on... Question 20 Given the postfix expression: A B* CD +-E +. What is the infix expression? Select one aA*B-C+D+E b.(A*B)-C+(D+E) c.A*(B-C)+(D+E) d.A'B-(C+D)+E The correct answer is: A* B- (C+D) +E. Question 21 If the character 'D', 'C’, 'B', ‘A’ are placed in a stack (in that order), and then removed one at a time, and placed a queue in what order will they be removed from the queue? Select one: a. ABCD, b. DCAB c. ABDC d. DCBA The correct answer is: ABDC. Question 22 Ina Binary Search Tree, the node with the smallest value is found at the Select one: a. root b. rightmost leaf c. leftmost leaf d. leat The correct answer is: leftmost leaf. Question 23 In a Binary Search Tree, the node with the largest value is found at the . Select one: a. root. b. rightmost leaf c. leftmost lea d. leat ‘The correct answer is: root. Question 24 It consists of a finite set of elements called nodes and a finite set of directed lines called branches. Select one: a. Tree b. Data and Link c. Graph d. Pictograph ‘The correct answer is: Tree. Question 25 itis alist in which the last node's link points to the first node of the list Select one: a. Doubly Linked list b. Multtilinked list c. Circular linked list d. Singly linked list The correct answer is: Circularly linked list. Question 26 It is anode with an outdegree of zero. Select one: a. Ancestor b. Leaf The correct answer is: Leaf. Question 27 Itis a repetitive process in which algorithm calls itself. Select one: a. Repetition b. Iteration cc. Recursion d. Inheritance ‘The correct answer is: Recursion. Question 28 It is a sequence of characters organized into lines Select one: a. source file b. file heading c. text file d. object file ‘The correct answer is: text file. Question 29 One difference between a queue and a stack is: Select one: a. Queues require linked lists, but stacks do not. b. Queues use two ends of the structure, stacks use only one. c. Stacks require linked lists, but queues do not. d. Stack use two ends of the structure, queues use only one The correct answer is: Queues use two ends of the structure, stacks use only one.. Question 30 Queue is a Select one: a. FIFO list b. FOFI ist c. LIFO list d. FCSF list The correct answer is: FIFO list. Question 31 (Queues may be implemented using arrays or Select one a. linked list b. binary trees c. stacks d. graphs The correct answer fs: linked list. Question 32 See algorithm 1. What would be retumed if fxm is called as fxm(2,7)? algot Select one: a3 aoe oo The correct answer is: -3 Question 33 See algorithm 1. What would be retumed if fxm is called as fxm(6,3)? algo2 Select one: The correct answer is: 0 Question 34 See algorithm 1. What would be returned if fun is called as fxm(15,3)? algo3 Select one: a3 eos . 6 6 9 The correct answer is: 6 Question 35 See algorithm 2. What would be returned if fxm is called as fxrn(10)? algo4 Select one a0 b.21 c.19 d. 45 The correct answer is: 21 Question 36 See algorithm 2. What would be returned if fxm is called as fxrn(12)? algo5 Select one a0 b.21 c.19 0.45 The correct answer is: 45 Question 37 Sorting by attempting to localize the exchanges of array elements by finding a misplaced element first and putting in its final place Select one: a. quicksort b. insertion c. bubble d. selection The correct answer is: selection. Question 38 The most commonly used notation for asymptotic complexity for estimating the rate of function growth that was introduced in 1894 by Paul Bachman, Select one: a. big-Oh notation b. big-Theta notation c. big-Omega notation d. lttle-Oh notation The correct answer is: big-Oh notation. Question 39 The retrieve stack operation copies the item at the: Select one: a. end of the stack b. top of the stack c. bottom of the stack d. middle of the stack The correct answer is: top of the stack. Question 40 The sorting algorithm that problem remains which value to chose as the pivot or bound value. Select one: a. merge b. insertion c. selection d. quicksort The correct answer is: quicksort. Question 41 The sorting starts by considering the two first elements of the array data, and if they are out of order, and interchange takes place. Select one: a. insertion b. bubble c. selection d. quicksort The correct answer is: insertion. Question 42 These are provided to create, write, read, rewind, and delete files. Select one: a. system calls b. fle system c. records d. platform The correct answer is: system calls. Question 43 What is the inorder traversal of the binary tree in Figure 12 bt Select one: a ABFCGDEHIJK b. DECBHKJIGFA c. DCEBAHFGIJK d. DCEBAFHGIJK The correct answer is:D CEBAFHGIJK Question 44 What is the postfix equivalent of: A+ B*C-D/E? Select one: a. ABCHDE-/ b. ABC*+DE-/ c. ABC’+DE/+ d. ABC-+DE*/ The correct answer is: ABC’+DE/-. Question 45 What is the postorder traversal of the binary tree in Figure 1? B3 Select one: a.DECBHKJIGFA b.ABCDEFGHIJK o. DCEBAFHGIJK d.ABFCGDEHIJK The correct answer is: D EC BHKJIGFA Question 46 What is the preorder traversal of the binary tree in Figure 1? Select one: a. DCEBAFHGIJK b. ABFCGDEHIJK c. ABCDEFGHIJK d.ABCDEFGHJIK The correct answer is: A BC DEFGHIJK Question 47 What kind of binary search tree traversal produces an ordered list? Select one: a. preorder b. inorder c. breadth first d. postorder The correct answer is: breadth first. Question 48 Which of the following is a TRUE statement? Select one: a. Arrays allow random accessing of data and linked lists do not. b. Linked lists allow random access of data and arrays do not. c. Both arrays and linked lists allow rancom access of data d. Both arrays and linked lists do not allow random access of data. The correct answer is: Both arrays and linked lists allow random access of data. Question 49 Which of the following is the infix expression of the expression tree of Figure 2? B2 Select one: a.C*(A+B)+D*(F*(G+H) C*(A*B)+D*(F*(G+H) c.(A+B)+D*C"(F*(G +H) D*(A+B)+C"(F*(G+H) The correct answer is: C * (A + B) + D*(F* (G+H) Question 50 Which of the following is the postfix expression of the expression tree in Figure 2? BS Select one: a.CAB+*DFGH#+**+ b.CAB+"DFGH+"+* c.CAB*+DFGH+*"+ d.CAB+*DFGH**++ The correct answer is; CAB+*DFGH+**+

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