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Your assignment today will cover a very controversial and complex topic in science; a
subject that has been gathering momentum for many years now. The subject is that of
global warming or climate change. You will be asked to weigh in on this issue by
doing concise, thoughtful, research. Unfortunately, the amount of information available
to you on the Internet is immense and it will be difficult to sift through it all. Some of the
information may not be reliable. Some of it may even be contradictory. How will you
That is where your lesson may become problematic. There is no definitive agreement
on climate change, much less the extent of impact that humans are having on the
But it is a perfect recipe to test your skills at doing online research. You may not solve
the question of global warming but you can deliver an informed analysis of the problem.
1st Requirement: Watch An Inconvenient Truth, (2006) produced by Davis
Guggenheim and hosted by former Vice President Al Gore. I will only be showing
important clips of the film but the date is important. Why? Plus we will be using the
note taking technique of stop and jot for you to be able to take valuable notes.
2nd Requirement: Conduct your online research. You will work in small groups, 2-3
individuals per group. You will need to collaborate on your research. Dont let
yourselves focus on one or two sites. Spread the wealth. Decide what is most
important. The DJJ server will only allow you to go to certain websites but there is still a
great deal of information available. You will need to pick and choose carefully.
Your job is to be objective. Look for slanted viewpoints. Your information needs to be
supported by facts. Look for dates in any of the information you find. For example, An

Inconvenient Truth was produced in 2006 and contains a great deal of research that is
as of 2005 or earlier (answer to my earlier question)!
All of your requirements for this class will be covered in a separate Rubric and may be
different from that of other students due to differing grade levels, your class curriculum,
and individual education plans.
The basic rubric (for everyone) is as follows subject to modification on an individual
basis for grade level, etc. SEE BELOW:

Ethical and proper use of Internet resources (20%)

Complimentary use of information provided in the video as well as print materials
Weighs both sides of the issue, presents an informed and coherent summary of
the problem (20%)
Contributes to group discussion and learning (20%)
Written report or oral, as well as PowerPoint presentations will be weighted
equally. Your objective is to be informed and professional (40%).
Technical proficiency in writing, spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc. (oral
presentations will be evaluated for poise, clarity, and quality of the presentation)

Print materials will be made available should you wish to compare what is available
online with what may have been published in print. I have a variety of magazine articles
and encyclopedias for you to review. Again, however, these will be dated relative to the
Internet materials. You will need to compare the two.
3rd Requirement: This is the culminating requirement for this lesson. You have the
choice of

Oral Presentation of your findings. You will have a time limit of 10 minutes and
you must be preapproved for the oral presentation option.
PowerPoint Presentation. 10 Slides, limited to 15 minutes.
Written Report. Limited to a maximum of 2 pages (this will be about 500 words
at 12 pt. Arial font, double spaced).

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