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Point number 2

In the eighth century appeared in Europe in this large mills with four blades. A
large number were manufactured by the Dutch but due to the dimensions of
the blades could not collect maximum power.
From the twelfth and thirteenth centuries are beginning to be used for lifting
water and grinding wheat. In the twelfth century Europe was filled in turn mills
in Belgium, Netherlands, Netherlands.
These mills will continue until the nineteenth century but the development of
windmills is interrupted by the industrial revolution and the use of steam,
electricity and fossil fuels as a source of motive power. But half a century loa
Americans made the emergence of the American multiblade model used for
pumping water for virtually everyone whose characteristics serve for the
construction of modern wind turbines.
It was between the world wars when appeared the progress of aviation
propellers, and with them the great projects of large wind turbines of two or
three blades.
The vertical axis wind turbines have the advantage of adapting to any address
panmonos wind. No steering devices require this modern form is the inventor
Darrieus in 1925 patented in the United States then fell into almost total
oblivion. Their study began again in 1973 in Canada and the United States in
The first turbine was built in France in 1929 but broke because of a big storm
Bourget another was built in two-bladed wind turbine 20 meters in diameter. It
was destroyed by wind gusts.
In Russia was launched in 1931 in Crimea, oceanfront died a wind of 30 meters,
it had to provide 100kW.
In 1941, NASA built a two-bladed 53 meters in diameter maximum power is
1250kW. He settled in Vermont. But in 1943 a small incident locking the
machine for two years for problems linked to wars that delayed production of
new parts the project was abandoned.
In Germany was built between 1955 and 1957, a 34m diameter wind turbine
machine worked until 1968.
The first large generators are in the United States. In 1973 he was
commissioned to NASA resume construction of giant wind. The two largest
measuring 61 and 91 meters in diameter and operated since 1978 in California.
At the Institute of electricity in California have designed new wind turbines is a
five year program to develop, build and test prototypes of 300 kW wind
turbines and variable speed.

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