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Film Pitch

Title: Silence
Logline: An old manor in the moorlands of Scotland is sold to newly wedded
couple; but little do they know that the silence of the manor is there for a reason.
Any sound above a whisper catches the attention of the manors ghost the
orphan. James and Sarah Whitley must fight for their lives; a battle they
ultimately lose.
Characters: James and Sarah Whitely (protagonists) and the orphan
Narrative: a newly wedded couple James and Sarah Whitley, move into a
dilapidated and secluded manor on the moorlands, where a demoniac ghost
named The Orphan is awoken. Try as they might, the couple is unable to save
themselves or each other. The Orphan is a ghost of a Victorian girl orphaned as
a baby, killed at the age of nine in a drunken frenzy for speaking out of turn. She
now haunts the house where she was killed, making sure no life breaks the fatal
silence of the moor.
Stars: I have chosen Vera Farmiga to play Sarah Whitely as she is a brilliant
actress who is famous for her performance in The Conjuring; she has a big box
office draw and has a mass appeal and audience recognition for fan of the horror
genre. Additionally, I have chosen Leigh Whannell to play James Whitely as he is
famous for his work in the horror genre for example: Insidious, Saw and
Insidious 2, His hair rising performances in these films more than show his
capability of playing this part. Furthermore, he brings bring star appeal to the
film, as fans of his work would want to see Silence
Genre: Horror
Target Audience: Both male and females aged 16-25 (due to strong language,
and graphic violence) and fans of the horror genre.
Similar Movies: Insidious, Woman in Black and The Conjuring as these are
all films that share narratives and mise-en-scene of ghosts and haunting; also, all
of these are representative of the horror genre.

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