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Say Hola to Spanish

By Susan Middleton Elya

Spanish is fun, so give it a try! Hola

is hello,

adis is goodbye.

A dog is a perro,

a cat is a gato.

You drink from a vaso

and eat from a plato.

A son is an hijo, a mother is a madre,

daughter is hija, and father is padre.

You play in a parque,

you live in a casa.

Mam drinks coffee, caf,

from a taza.

Your hair is your pelo,

your nose is nariz.

Your grandmothers pelo is

probably gris.

You sit on a

you eat at a mesa

A perfect surprise is called a


You bite with dientes.

Dont bite the dentista.

Just wait for your check-up and

read a revista.

Your eyes are

your ojos,

your hands
are your

Both ojos and manos help play


You study in an

and dance at a baile.

Your afternoon nap is called a siesta.

A boy is a chico,

a girl is a chica.

He eats pera,

she eats a pia.

Besos are kisses.

Smiles are sonrisas.

Blusas are blouses

and shirts
are camisas.

Your dad drives a carro ,

same thing as a coche.

He drives in the da

and drives
in the noche.

A vaca says moo,

a bull is a toro.

Caballo is horse,

and parrot is loro.

Bread is called pan

and cheeses
are quesos.

Thats what we
eat, but perros
eat huesos.

A tree is an rbol,

a flower a flor.

Cierra la puerta!
means shut the door!

Ham is jamn

and soup is
called sopa.

You wash with jabn

and get dressed

in ropa.

Wish at a fountain. Throw

coins in the fuente.

Deseos come true.

Its no accidente

A man who makes shoes is un


Zapatos, or shoes,
cost lots of dinero

The hat on your

head is called a

A cowboy on
is called a

Caliente is hot.

Cold is called fro.

You fish at a lago

and raft down

a ro.

A secret youll tell an amigo or

friend. Amigos keep secretos
up to the end.

Say Hola to Spanish

By Susan Middleton Elya

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