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Report of visit to the Santa Rosa School 16.03.

15 by Amy Haworth Johns and Martin

Monday 16th March.
Amy and Martin visited the Santa Rosa School at 11 am shortly after the school had had a
simulation of an earthquake emergency procedure. (This was a national simulacro carried out
at the same time in all schools and public buildings across the country.) The school
management hadn't wanted us to arrive before 11 am as the simulacro was ongoing from 10
am because of the problem of having to
look after us at the same time as organising
the whole school population in an
earthquake drill - understandable perhaps.
This time there was no acto put on for us,
but we were taken to meet each and every
pre-school and primary class in the
morning, and after lunch every secondary
class. One or two of the afternoon pupils
recognised Amy from her time of teaching
them computing skills in 2010. The
atmosphere at the school was more relaxed
and less instructional than on many
previous visits. We enjoyed it a lot, and we
One of the classes visited by Amy and Martin.
got the impression that they did too.

Xavier Rivera (librarian), Marcia Ordeana

(deputy headteacher) and Martin Mowforth
in the Ben Dalton Library with the new
television bought by the Santa Rosa Fund
last year.

In the afternoon we watched (from outside the

library) a class being shown a DVD about HIV and
AIDS - more or less a sex education lesson - on the
TV which the visiting trustees in July 2014 had
bought for the school. Xavier Rivera Carrin,
previously a computer teacher and now one of the
two librarians, seemed to be really 'switched on'
about how to use the library, the TV and DVDs. And
he was able to take whole classes in the library
instead of just 5 or 6 pupils at a time. We were once
told that they need a projector to go with a computer
in the library, but Amy and Xavier both pointed out
that they can link a computer (and therefore a
Powerpoint presentation, for instance) directly to the
new TV as it has a port for a memory stick. So, now
there's no need for a projector.

Amy and I made it clear that we would need a brief report and a budget statement for the
repair of the shelving in the library if the SRF is to provide any funding for this repair job.
Marta Elena Gadea, one of the other librarians/teachers, and who has been at the school for
years, will be retiring next year. She wanted us to know.
Supporting the Santa Rosa School continues to be really worthwhile for the Santa Rosa Fund.
A couple of other photos follow.

Amy Haworth Johns with (from left to right):

Mayra Caldern (i/c computing and secretary),
Marcia Ordeana Rivera (deputy headteacher),
Elizabeth Aragn Roa (headteacher), and
Claudia Ramrez (deputy headteacher).

Karla Ninoska Flores Ortega with her first

grade class, singing a song about all the
different body parts.

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