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The Great Wall

Of China
The History of the wall of
 The history of the Great Wall is said to start
from the Spring and Autumn Periods when
seven powerful states appeared at the same
time. In order to defend themselves, they all
built walls and stationed troops on the borders.
At that time, the total length of the wall had
already reached 3,107 miles, belonging to
different states.
More History
 The Great Wall is one of the largest
building construction projects ever
completed. It stretches across the
mountains of northern China, winding
north and northwest of Beijing. It is
constructed of masonry, rocks and
packed-earth. It was over 5,000 km long.
Its thickness ranged from about 4.5 to 9
meters and was up to 7.5 meters tall.
more history

The Great Wall of China was built over

2,000 years ago, by Qin Shi Huangdi, the
first emperor of China during the Qin
Dynasty In Chinese the wall is called
"Wan-Li Qang-Qeng" which means
10,000-Li Long Wall .
more history

 The Great Wall was built for defensive

purposes, especially to stop attack from
the north of China. Emperors feared that
China would be conquered from the
north. The Wall stretches across deserts
and up and down mountain ranges.
more history
 The Great Wall was part of a Chinese strategy
of preventing mass invasion. In the early years
the walls were made of rammed earth but as
hundreds of years past more sophisticated
methods of building were developed with rocks,
bricks and mortar being used. It is estimated
that over one million people helped in the
construction of the Great Wall
Help the great wall of
 natural disasters and human activities,
many sections of the Great Wall are
severely damaged and disappearing.
Being a world-famous engineering
project and witness to the rise and fall of
Chinese history, the Great Wall, needs
us to take immediate action to protect it!

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