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Analysis case Clayoquot Sound

In order to make a systematic process of thinking before the decision considering

the five followings aspects:
1. Isabel should do before taking a decision of being in favor or not of the protest is
evaluate the environmental impact study of the logging. Doing this she could be
really sure at what level the logging will affect the wildlife of Clayoquot Sound;
also she will see if the they have a plan to reforest the trees that they will cut.
2. She should evaluate historical data related to environmental protests in Canada.
Also of consider diverse sources as technical studies, testimonials, legal
background, etc. in order to obtained more tools for taking right decisions. And
assess protests information source: Right now, the information used by the people
in favor or against the protest comes from the local newspaper.
3. Isabel should research if the journalists of the newspaper have political interest in
this matter, because they probably are anchoring the people decision whether to
support or be against of the government plan. In order to take a decision, Isabel
should be objective, which means detachment from emotions and feelings she may
have about the environment and take the right time to analyze whether it is a good
choice or not.
4. Size up the reasons and arguments of each decision: The easy way in her situation is
learning to the environmentalists decision, but the main focus in this problem is
evaluate the pros and cons at the same time, evaluate the options in order to ensure
to take a good decision. It is include evaluate the possible consequences of each
5. Before that, take some action about her decision she must to evaluate the impact of
that on environment, government, society, etc. In addition is necessary work out an

action plan, which consists of a list of detailed steps, resources to use, KPIS in
order to manage the evolution and progress of her plan.

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