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Repawen rea JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ORTHODONTICS "WO PEARL STREET, BOULOER, COLORADO 80302 qs = ad The golden divider may be used for morphologic analysis of the teeth, the skeleton and the Saft tissues of the face (Fig. 1) Itis based onthe "Golden ‘Section” also called the "Divine Propor- tion’: Upon widening the divider, it wil ‘be noted that a short side and a longer side will be measured off praportion- aly as the divider is extended (Fig. 2). ‘The longer side is 1.618 times the short- ‘ar side.ang tha shorter sid ls 0.616 tha length of the fonger. in turn, the langar side is 0.618 the length of the total ‘outer messurement. The golden rala- tion (1:1,618) is ealled Phi and given the Grovk symbol . This relation is based on underlying laws of mathe- matics, geometry, and physics. ‘The use of this instrument applies to esthetic values, because so many ions found to be beautiful to the neye oF comforting and pleasing {o the human psyche follow these pro= portions. But, of greater significance are the biologic implications, as many things in nature follow the principie in proportionality of the golden section, the golden triangle, and the golden rectangle. The proportion is linked 10 growth and it relates to optimal func- thon. Hence, it can be used for analysis of structural harmony and balance, and can be applied for treatment plan- ning of the tooth, bone, and soft tissue The Golden Divider ROBERT M. RICKETTS, DDS, MS relationships tor all forms of dentistry. maxillofacial and plastic surgery. Tooth Relationships Useful parameters for the teeth start with the lower central incisors (Fig. 8). Thus, the total of both lower ccentrals (10.8mm) is golden to both Upper centrats (17.Smm), which starts a series of harmonic units in tha ocelu- ‘sion (Fig. 4). The next golden relation {across the arch, not in direct width of teeth) Is the measurement between the istals of the two upper lateral incisors {28.3mm) as related to the upper cen- {als (175mm). The next progression Is the width to the buccal surfaces of the upper first bicuspids (45,7mm), Which Is golden to the width through the lateral incisors in the normal beau- tiful are. This is generally tacking in patients with maloectusion in all throe types. Another series is observed in Fi ture § trom the width of the lower four incisors (on the arch) at 22.1 mm, The Upper intercanine width measured at the cusp tips at 35.75mm is found in a golden relation to the lower incisors, Finally, the width at the mesial of the Upper second molars (57,8mm) will be found to be in the golden relation to the intercanine width in beautiful JCO/NOVEMBER 1987 Fig. 1 The Goiden Der Fig.2 Widening the did praduces two measurements In ratio of 11618. Fig. 3. Occlusion to demonstrate values es- ‘eed in Figures 4 and 6. VOLUME Xv NUMBER 11 arches, which helps in assessing arch form. A third relation is seen in Fige ure 5. The distance between the dis- tals of the lower canines (315mm) is golden to the distance between the lower first molars (0.2mm) at the buccal grooves, Soft Tissue Relationships For the face, a connection is ap- parent in the smile, a5 the intercanine width is observed to be the same as Fig. 6. Relation of the teeth atthe Intereanine (nite tothe width ofthe nose atthe lar rian the seme, the width of the nose at the-alarrim as seen in a glamorous made (Fig. 6). For the wigth dimensions in the soft tissue, the nose, mouth, eyes and face are related (Fig. 7). If the laters rim of the nose (LN) width is taken as a unit of 7.0, progressively the mouth Fig. 7 Points on sat Ussue used In this ae. VOLUME XV NUMER 11 RICKETTS (CH), lateral canthus of the two eyes (LC), ang the width of the head at the evel of the eyebrow (TS) is a progres sive golden series (Fig. 8) For vertical relations, it is best to start with the underlying skeleton as seen in the lateral cephalometric head plate. Eight golden relations wereiden- tified from composites of 30 beautiful normal male subjects with ideal nor ‘mal celusions (Fig. 9). For the vertical location of the lower ineisar, the Point ‘A[at subspinale in the maxilia) and the Paint Pm (at the mental pratuberance of the mandibie) is used. In centric occlusion, if the distance from Point A to lower incisor tip is taken as 7.0, the height of the lower incisor to Pr is 1.618 (Fig. 10). For relation of A to Pm itselt, a golden praportion is seen to the Frank= fort plane (porion to orbitale). If the lovel of orbitale (lawer rim of the orbit) Fig. 8 Progression in soft tewwe tram nate ta auth io eyes toned. THE GOLDEN DIVIDER ( 4 ete “1 NA, wk eo 0 J GL Fig. 10_dea! poston Tor lower inet spol Fe position for tower heltr ie pols ‘Fig. 11 Golden propertion in the mandible ‘(iPr-KiCo or corpus anls lo conde als). Fig 12 Golden proporion In cranial bse anc UCO/NOVEMBER 1981 RICKETTS: Fig. 18. Frontal goiden anatyss, {0 Point A Is taken as 1.0, the vertical height of the denture is 1.618. suggest- ing normal denture height (Fig. 10). Other values for surgical ar ortho pedic corrections are seen as the cor us axis {Pm to Xi paint) is golden to the condyle axis (Xi to Condylion} or pasterior superior aspect of the con- dyle head. The Xi point is the geo- graphic center of the ramus (Fig. 11), ‘Also, maxillary depth is goidentto pha- ryngeal depth (Fig. 12). The cranial structures are seen to be golden in the anterior and posterior base S-N (1.618) + SBa (1.0). Nasion to cranial center (CC), at 1.618, is golden to cranial cen- ter to articulare on the Basion-Nasion plane. For vertical facial relation in the soft tissue. another progressive series VOLUME xv NUMBER 11 is seen as confirmed fram composites of normal beautiful faces (Fig. 7). Here, starting with the larger value, the face height is taken from Trichion (at the top of the wrinkled forehead or near the hair line in the young) to the bot- tom of the chin (salt tissue menton). It the lateral canthus level ta Trichion is taken as a unit of 1.0, the height of eye to chin is in the golden proportion, if the face is beautiful (Fig. 13). Inversely, from chin upward, the distance of the chin to the curve of the ala of the nose is taken as a 1.0 value and 1.6 is seen from the nose ta Trichion. This makes nose length (lateral canthus height to alar height) a congruent or reciprocal area or the "center" of the face. From the eyes downward, €n relation is seen from the nose (1.0) THE GOLDEN DIVIDER Fig. 36 Lateral golden analysis. to the chin (1.618). Inversely, the bot- tom of the chin to the mauth at 1.0 eaves a 1.6 proportion from the mouth to the aye, Like nose length, the upper Nip length is a reciprocal or an overlap ping congruent area between the eye ose-mouth-chin proportions. WV the alar rim tothe upper lip (to Fig. 18. Golden proportion trom eye-nose-chin stomion of lip embrasure) is taken as 1.0, the distance tothe chin is 1.6 ang the same distance to the eye is 1.6. This finally shows that three equal areas of the face are. very nearly the ‘same in beautiful faces. These are fore- head to eye, eye to mouth, and nose ta chin (Fig. 13). For locating golden proportions in the profile aspect, the same limits of vertical proportions were found useful NW appeared that the base of the ear lobe waé the posterior limit to the face: (Fig. 14). To nose tip these formed three golden rectangles like the tore- going equal areas, i.e, Trichion-cye, ‘eye-mouth, ane nose-chin. As the hari- zontal nose-trague base is studied, a ,goiden section falls at the lateral can- ‘thus of the eye! Taking the eye-mouth vertical as 16, the canthus to nose rim is 1.0. Figure 15 shows the golden di- vider applied to the eye-nose-chin for facial height. Figure 16 shows the di- vider-an the ala of the nose, lip embra- sure and chin to determine denture height and lip position For graater detail and background to the Golden Section and Divine Pro Portion, other publications may be consulted. JCOVNOVEMBER 1981 REFERENCES: Banketl. Leore The Golden Arbalos, Scripta Mathematica, 21:70:76, 155. eather U, Aled (Brousseau): An Inroduction taFibonacci Discovery, The Fibonacci Associa: tion, Sar Jove, CA, 1868, Chataney, Tomas M. Clin. Chirurgie Maxzilo> Foslaie et Onthedontia, Masson, Ea, Paris, Gardnar, M: The Multia Fascinations of the Finonactt Sequence. Scientific American, 220: 116-120, 195. Ghyka, Matida: The Geometry of An ar Lie. Dover Publications, ine, New York, 1977, Hens, Revert: The Art Spit. Lippincott Co, Prilsdeishis, PA, 1960. Hoggal, WE, dc: The Number Theory: The Fibonacci Sequence. Yearbook of Science and the Future, Eneycopedia Brtanica, Chicago, 1077, uritoy, H.E The Divine Proportion = A Study In Mathematies! Beauty. Dover Pubications, lng. New York, 1970, Le Corbusier Le Moduler Faber andFaber Li, Uendoa, 1954 Lejoyeux, J=Prosthese complete. Tame 2, Diag- roate et Traitement, Cbraire tstoine, Parts, ‘rt Levin, Ewin: Dental athatice anc the Golan Propartan. Journal of Prosthetic Dentatry. 0: 244-252, September 1876. Lombardi, Richard E: The principles of visual [Bercaption ang tele cinicalapplicaion 1 Gan resets. The Journalot Procthalle ient= tty 200.4, Ape 1873. Michal J. 1s MaFibonaeeie Sequence or Geis. fn Ratio Propartion Rapeesaniad in the Great Brrance of Env? The Fiborecl Newser ily 1976 IMitchison, G4: Phyflotwxis and the Fibonacci Sores. Scionce, 106:270-278, 1977 Reichardt. 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