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Xfer Records Cthulhu WiN/OSX v1.

Team UNION | Jan 12 2015 | OSX 4.13 MB WiN 2.8 MBCthulhu is firstly a chord memo
rizer and player, allowing you to experiment with creating
and reworking chord progressions with single-note presses. The other half of Cth
ulhu is a
unique pattern-based arpeggiator, allowing incoming notes or chords to be manipu
lated in
various rhythmic ways.
- Added:
Option (in config) to change Arp Patterns (A-L) to switch via MIDI (lowest octav
notes 0-11)
- Added:
Option for MonoLegato on Chords module
makes chord triggering function like a mono
synthesizer (Press a MIDI note to trigger a chord, hold, press a 2nd MIDI note f
or a new
chord, and release this 2nd chord, now the 1st chord plays again)
- Added:
Latch switch now shows up as a VSTParameter
- Added:
Windows OS: Installer saves a chosen VST and VSTx64 installation locations to ma
installing future updates easier
Be careful with this version. The new settings can break existing projects, if y
ou have chords on the lowest notes they will no longer play, but will switch pat
terns. This can be fixed in the config file.
I really wish these options were in the plugin itself so they could be per insta
nce, and to me it would make more sense for pattern switching to be on a differe
nt channel instead of the trying to do everything on one, while leaving 15 chann
els doing nothing...

OLDER v1.06
Snow Audio - Chords for Cthulhu
Chords for Cthulhu is a repository of 3500 chords for Xfer Records MIDI chord an
d arp module.
Arranged in progressions and loosely sorted by key, the use of Chords is designe
d to:
Inspire song ideas
Escape same old playing patterns
Provide easy harmony access for non-keyboard players
Allow for effortless experimentation
Simply route Cthulhu to output to your synth of choice, load up to 100 chords a
time from one of the 35 presets banks, and add instant
one finger harmonies to any project.
Chords for Cthulhu is by no means a definitive collection of chords or progressi
ons. Much like placing a needle on a record,
or taking a bite from a box of chocolates, you never know what you are going to
get, and therein lies the fun.

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