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1. Was there an increase or decrease in overall student learning?

objective (pre/post) should be discussed.
-There was an overwhelmingly high increase that exceeding the
expectations that any educator including myself would ever hope to have.
As seen here all the objectives increased by around 20 % and even though
there were some student who still fell behind, they increased as a whole.

Count forward and backward to at least 20 with and without objects.
-There was an overall increase with the difference in the pre and post-testing with
the difference being roughly around a 20% increase.
Read, write, and represent whole numbers from 0 to at least 20 with and
without objects or pictures.
-There was an overall increase with the difference in the pre and post-testing with
the difference being roughly around a 20% increase.
Generate a number that is one more than or one less than another number
up to at least 20.
-There was an overall increase with the difference in the pre and post-testing with
the difference being roughly around a 20% increase.

2. Discuss the difference between the general class population and the ESL
students for any particular objective.
-With the majority of the students that were on a non-ESL standard they
showed a drifference that was of a much smaller difference than the ESL

standard students. ESL students greatly improved as a whole however, there

was a small group of students that did not improve or actually had lower
scores during the post-test. I feel as though the ESL students retained a good
amount of the information but were the reason that the median for the class
scores were at such a low percentage.

3. What other concerns are illustrated in the pre-post test data.

-Like I said earlier the biggest concern with me personally is the ESL students
and the fact that they are the majority of the lower scores and the fact that
they may not really be retaining the information although they did show
improvement. My other main concern is that some students drastically
declined in scores regarding the post-testing in all three of the objectives
such as student # 8 as well as stagnant and slightly increasing scores such
as student # 9.

Write a second paragraph on why it is important for teachers to view/analyze pre/post data
for learning in their classroom.

-It is so critical that educators see where there students lie in comparison not only in
the class but on a bigger scale such as a national standard. I believe that if teachers
feel that they dont need the data to configure their teaching methods are stubborn
and ignorant. I personally have a professor that keeps doing the same lesson plans
that she has been using since the ninetys and I think it is very ineffective to be
using technological along with educational standards that are outdated!

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