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Creating a HTML File

To create a HTML file, you need to open a text editor, like Notepad. Tags are described within
angular brackets and are closed with a / symbol.
Every HTML Document begins with a HTML tag i.e. <html> and ends with the same i.e. </html>
note that HTML is not a case sensitive language so <HTML> and <html> would have the same
Then comes the <head> tag. It encloses the <title> tag, which describes the name of the HTML
document that we want to display on the top of the tab of the browser.
Syntax - <title>Your Site Title</title>

After closing the head tag, start the body tag. It contains the Content of the main document.

To display text, we use paragraph tag.

Syntax - <p>This is my first webpage</p>

Heading tags are used to give headings. There are 6 heading sizes 1 to 6. If we use 7
heading size, the text would display as size 6 heading.
Syntax - <h1>Heading 1</h1>
<h3>Heading 3</h3>

Saving a HTML file

To save any HTML file, use the extension .html or .htm. Select All file types in File type and
click on save.
These things are necessary to ensure that the browser identifies the file as a webpage.

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