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Test initial

1. Alegeti raspunsul corect:

a) Its Sunday. What day will be the
day after tomorrow?
b) Why do you like to read?
-in a hurry
-to learn new things
c) When you say a person is nice,
it means:
-you hate her
-shes horrible
-shes pleasant

d) In the next image, there is:

-a flower
-a scarf
-a butterfly

2.Adauga cuvintele care lipsesc: (the/in the/with the)

a. Where are...........children? They aregarden.
b. What are they playing with? They are playing.ball.

3.Traduceti in romana:
She spoke about her own dreams. This book is hers. They are going to the
seaside. It is raining.

4. Puneti verbul din paranteza la indicativ prezent(present simple):

a. The boys..(to be) in the house.
b.She usually..(to go) to school at 10 oclock.
c. My mother..(to cook) very healthy, and so do I.
d. This shop..(to have) a lot of products.

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