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Concerning Technology

My conclusion from the Heidegger article, though general in theme was a startling revelation to me.
It made me think about my own practices and preoccupation with technology, which I am guessing is
the need for the article.
The more we question technology the more complex it becomes. The will to mastery becomes all
the more urgent the more technology threatens to slip from human control. (5) We keep trying to
make it better but in doing so we create new obstacles and new definitions. We cant avoid or opt out
of technology so we must embrace it, but we must not fall for the irresistibility of it but opt for
We must remain in control of technology and not become enslaved to it. We have forgotten a
world without technology and do not even acknowledge the wonderment of technology anymore we
are blinded by our own obsession and preoccupation with it. The threat to man does not come in
the first instance from the potentially lethal machines and apparatus of technology. The actual
threat has already affected man in his essence. (28) The answer to this threat is For man becomes
truly free only insofar as he belongs to the realm of destining and so becomes one who listens and
hears, and not one who is simply constrained to obey. (25)
We have become so entrenched in technology that we no longer see that which we have created,
destroyed and lost all control of. We no longer see ourselves in the Enframing. As soon as what is
unconcealed no longer concerns manthen he comes to the very brink of a precipitous fall (27)
Man, precisely as the one so threatened, exalts himself to the posture of lord of the earththat
everythingman encounters exists only insofar as it is his construct. This illusion gives rise in turn to
one final delusion: It seems as though man everywhere and always encounters only himself. (27)
This is an omnious threat to our humanity, one predicted in 1953. We have done little to correct this
Finally, we must search for the truth in poesies for it is within the arts that we will find purity and
the safe-keeping of truth. (34)

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