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Go somewhere for an afternoon, somewhere far from what would be a future

regular pickup ground for you (like a mall on the other side of town). Go at a time
when you know there will be a lot of hot women there. With a smile, walk up to a
9 or 10 and say the following: Hi, I have this FEAR of rejection that I really need to
get over. So I need you to just REJECT ME as hard and as cold as possible, so I can
get used to it. Go ahead, REJECT ME! If she ignores you, go C&F: Is that the BEST
you can do? Ignore me? Come on, you can do better than that! Say something
MEAN! If she just giggles or thinks youre putting her on: What are you laughing
for? I mean it!! Be cruel! When she finally does blow you off badly, thank her and
tell her Only 36 more rejections to go, I have a target of 50. This routine has two
beneficial effects:
Youre kinda CUTEI think that youll make a NICE new GIRLFRIEND! Hey WAITI
need a girl who can cookyou cant?? OK, were broken up Actually wait, you
DO smell goodvery alluringactually WAIT!! Im allergic to that perfumeOh
man, we are SOOOO broken up!

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