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Jade Ishii: Narrator/Dad

Chara Kekona: Witch

Cheridean Kaaialii: Gretel
Ian Carroll: Hansel
Hansel and Gretel Script
Attention getter (Humor) - Ian: Ooh, she thought. That witch thought she was gonna eat
me and my baby sister. Nuh-uh, think twice, booboo. Lets all hear a little story, shall we?
*Walk through forest*
Dad: What a beautiful forest!
Hansel: Yes, father, it is.
Dad: Hey, look over there!
*Father leaves*
Gretel: Hmm, I dont see anything, Hansel.
*Turn around*
Hansel: Gretel, I think father left us.
Narrator: Abandoned by their father, Hansel and Gretel wandered through the forest,
looking for food. The children find a candy house, tempted they walk in.
Hansel: Look, a candy house! Im so hungry!
Gretel: Wow! Look at all this candy!
*They eat the house*
Narrator: A witch enters
Witch: Oh, hello children, welcome to my home. Oh yes, eat all the candy you want.
Narrator: The children ate almost all of the candy in the house and they became big and
Witch: Mm, yall look so cute, I could just eat you up! Have you ever wanted to know
what the inside of an oven looks like?

Narrator: Hansel and Gretel look in the oven and the Witch tries to push them in. The
kids soon realize what the Witch is trying to do.
Gretel: Shes trying to eat us!
Narrator: Hansel and Gretel escape the oven and push the Witch in instead
Gretel: Lets cook her into a pie!
Hansel: Shut the door, Gretel.
*Gretel slams the door*
Witch: Oh no, Im a pie!
Conclusion (Starting Reference)
Hansel: Ooh girl, I told you that was gonna be a good story.

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