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May 28, 2015


To Whom it May Concern,

I am pleased to write you on behalf of TinaMichelle Leonor , who is applying for
the 3410 Gardener Apprenticeship program. She has been in my class 2014 Introdu
ction to Horticulture and stands out as an extremely competent student that exce
ls the field of Environmental Horticulture. She does well in all of her classes,
shows initiative and leadership in her duties, and often seeks knowledge from h
er teachers that goes beyond the general scope of her studies.
TinaMichelle is an independent self-starter. In 2013, she took her love of horti
culture to the next level by starting as a Gardener Assistant at Harding Park wi
th the city of San Francisco. This experience teaches her first hand knowledge o
f many of the things that we share in class. With her work in the field, she bri
ngs great questions and experiences to the classroom. She is always eager to sha
re her knowledge with her peers, and takes a natural leadership and mentor role
with them.
She is an asset to the horticultural community in San Francisco and I feel very
confident that she will be extremely successful in all of her future endeavors.
She is a focused and determined young woman. I highly recommend TinaMichelle Leo
nor for the job/Scholarship.

Thomas Wang
Horticulture instructor
City College of San Francisco

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