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Patriot Times PATRIOT SPIRIT BY: KASEY GREEN ‘Patriots Spirit week at southwest has done its job by getting the school into a fantastic, fun, school spirit starting out with hat day. Students could wear any Head Stories and Authors PATRIOT Spirt Pg. 1 and 2 Kasey Green Advice Column Pg. 3 Denver Buell The Advengers pg. 4 Josh Frazier 12 year old dirt bike champion Pg.5 Will Bramlet Freddy's Homework Pg. 6 and 7 Jose Leon hat of their chose simple, crazy, colorful, plain, whatever! On Monday morning people showed up in all types of hats, | saw the mad hatter, a French beret, even a unicorn. Those were just a couple of the crazy hats worn on hat day to get the students into the school spirit! The next event added into the mix was crazy sock Tuesday. The students, and of course the teachers were encouraged to wear socks. Just like hat day they could wear colorful, crazy, plain, or even white socks, all you had to do was wear them! The most colorful, and crazy socks were brought to the classrooms, drawing all eyes to them. People wore chevron, neon, long socks, short socks, even patterns with food! Along with spirit Monday, Tuesday was a success. Wednesday brought superheroes big and small to the building saving the day with their colorful costumes! The student body dressed up as their favorite superheroes and saved the day by making Wednesday another spirit filled day. Students wore shirts representing Batman, Superman, Spider-man, Wonder Woman and many more! | even saw someone in a full Halloween costume as Captain America and Dr. Boger (assistant principal) with a cape. But what everyone was most excited about was the pep rally the next day. Thrilling Thursday was a day full of spirit with a pep-rally for every grade. It started with everyone coming to school dressed as if they time traveled to their favorite era. The teachers went through their closets and dug up their leg warmers, neon tank tops, bead bracelets, and crazy colored eye make up. | even saw Mr. Gilson (a 7% grade social studies teacher) in his baggy pants from the 90's. The pep-rally’s started first thing in the morning with 7" grade. The yearbook was working hard painting as many faces as possible before it started then, going at it, running all around taking as many awesome pictures as possible. The pep-rally also included appearances from softball, volleyball, golf, and performances from step team, cheerleaders, band and a special entrance from the football team with an uproar from the crowd. The step team gave a very special performance stomping as hard as they could and the cheerleaders were flying high and getting low. It was going to be hard to top it with spirit day the next day. The final spirit day of the week was on Friday. Everyone dressed in Southwest attire and could also wear jeans. Students wore their favorite sweatshirts, t-shirts, and school colors. Some people that | saw even painted their faces with a blue and gold stripe. They also wore blue and gold throughout their outfits using bracelets, necklaces and tank tops. After school the homecoming dance begun. Students and teachers danced the night away with the theme golden night. Even though spirit week is over we are going to continue to spread school spirit with everything we do. Advice column By: Denver Buell Dear deer People have been spreading rumors about me and I can't stop forgetting it there have been rumors saying | got detention it is bad PLEASE HELP MEI!H!!! Sincerely cool guy Dear cool guy Tell someone who is doing this tell your guidance councilor and just maybe we can figure this out and then make new friends don’t have friends that you can’t trust those friends will get in trouble and forget about them friends are loyal trustworthy kind make sure you pick the right friends. Dear deer I feel like a failure in my own home | feel like I cant do anything right and know body understands I'm scared to forget anything or make a mistake PLEASE HELPI!!!!!I!! | also feel like my brother steals all the attention away from me. When ever he does something wrong it seems like its ok but when | do something wrong it's not ok at all. Please help soon. Sincerely awesome Dear awesome I know what your going through it is hard | know but maybe get extra curriculum activities then your brother will be upset you get in trouble a lot everyone does it is not rare but when your brother gets to the same age as you he will want help talk to. your guidance councilor about it and you will feel better I know it Dear deer | get very upset when | am alone | can barely sleep at night | think people are going t50 kill me | wish | was never in new York there is a lot of activities going on | wish | could move PLEASE HELP.SINCERELY UPSET DEAR UPSETI am going through the same thing or used to | was so afraid of ghosts and even burglars it is time to take action move ask your parents go find a hotel they are more suspense there but it might work. Sincerely deer The Avengers By: Joshua Frazier Have you ever wanted to be a superhero and fight with other superheroes? Well you can see what it is like if you watch the movie “The Avengers”. It might be a challenge to get along with the other superheroes. But in the end all of the superheroes should come together to save the fate of the world. In this movie there is some comedy, but a lot of and action. Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Captain America (Chris Evans), Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner), Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson), and The Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) are the superheroes in this movie. | only saw two super villains in this movie. | saw Loki (Tom Hiddleston). There is one hidden villain, Thanos (Damien Poitier). There is a whole lot of suspense in this movie. This movie is about Loki (Tom Hiddleston), who steals the “Tesseract”. The Avengers try to steal it back. The acting in this movie is above average. At some parts of the movie I felt like | was with them. But | have to say, Clark Gregg, who played Agent Coulson, had some pretty good acting. The main characters had some pretty good acting, but the extras were the problem. At times, | felt like they showed no emotion. But at the end acting started to pick up. The film overall, was a little less than superb. | rate this movie 8.5 stars out of 10. This movie is rated PG-13 by the MPAA. | would suggest this move to 10-31 years of age. | believe that this movie will have sequels, that will have sequels. This movie will last for a long time, in my opinion. There are plenty of themes in this movie. There is Sci-Fi, Comedy, Adventure, and Action. | think that Sci-Fi is probably is the most used theme. So that makes it in my opinion, the most used. The second most used is probably action. Boe es E VLE es Josh Frazier enjoys playing games with friends. That includes video games and playing outside. Josh also likes action movies, comedy, and some Sci-Fi. He is currently at southwest. doing more 12 Year Old Dirt Bike Champion By Will Bramlet Josh Pecuil 12 year old dirt biker won a state champion 8 times. He said the prizes are cash, gear, and bikes. There are a couple different types of tournaments. Number one, plain races. In these you race through trails to get first place. Number two is freestyle. In this you get judged by your stunts. This sport is really dangerous. If you are new to the sport you should ask someone to help you learn the basics of the sport. For this you are going to need a helmet, goggles, shoulder pads, etc. Josh has been dirt biking for 5 years. He has won over 17 tournaments. He was once injured severely trying to do the superman. He got a broken rib and had to replace with a metal rib. Our editorial cartoon was Freddy's Homework based on the amount of homework we get in school. The cartoon shows that we get too much homework, that we can barely finish the other homework for our other classes. Another thing that it shows in the cartoon is that when you try to do all of your homework you stay up very late that the next day you go to school you get in trouble because you didn’t finish you're other class homework. That was what was on the cartoon and what was it about. The cartoon was based on a kid who has way too much homework and gets in trouble the next day. The boys name is Freddy. So the cartoon starts when the boy and his friends are in his class. The teacher then tells them what their homework is, but then one of Freddy's friends says “WHAT that's too much homework". Then everyone goes home and does their homework. Except one student named Freddy. Freddy stayed up until 12:00 AM and still only did the homework for one class. After he did that homework he fell asleep. The next morning he changed, did his other important stuff and went to school. When class started the teacher came around and checked everyone's homework. When he got to Freddy‘s desk he asked him why he didn't do his homework. Freddy’‘s response was a groan.Then Freddy realized the teacher was asking him why he didn’t do the homework? Freddy told him that he couldn't do it because he stood up too late and fell asleep.The teacher gave an F on his report card. When Freddy got home and showed his parents his parents got so mad that they went to school and asked the teacher why Freddy got an F in his class. The teacher's response was “he didn't do his home work”.Then Freddy's parents asked Freddy why he didn’t do the homework and Freddy told them that he had stayed up until 12:00 AM doing his homework for math class that he fell asleep and didn't do his other classes homework because he got way too much work. Then Freddy's parents asked the teacher if he could give Freddy and the other students in his class including the other classes less homework. The teacher said yes and then Freddy's parents asked the teacher if he could tell the other teachers the same thing. Freddy's teacher said yes and then Freddy stayed up until 7:00 pm which was less than last time. Editorial Cartoon By: Jose Leon

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