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Jesus the Christ Chapter 2, His Preexistence and Foreordination

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with
God. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt
among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. John 1:1-3,14
**Please number the paragraphs within the chapter, as this is how the study guide is laid out.**
P1 Jesus was chosen and ordained to be the one and only Savior and Redeemer of the human race
What is foreordination?
o Foreordination implies and comprises preexistence as an essential condition
P2 John the Revelator: He saw strife and contention between loyalty and rebellion
The Fathers plan was submitted and discussed
The smaller portion of unembodied spirits followed Satan a third part of the children of God (P3)
The majority fought with Michael or at least refrained from active opposition
o These spirits kept their first estate
Michael prevailed Satan and his angels were cast out - they kept not their first estate
o Where was he cast out to?
We and the heavenly host burst forth into song and shouted for joy at the opportunity to come to earth to
receive a body
P3-4 Isaiah: Laments at the fall of Lucifer
Lucifer was of exalted rank great was his fall
o Why was his plan not accepted? He sought to aggrandize himself without regard to the rights and
agency of others. He wanted to take Gods glory and our agency.
Footnote 2, P2 He wanted to go contrary to the will of his Father, and presumptuously
sought to deprive man of his free agency, thus making him a serf, and placing him in a
position in which it was impossible for him to obtain that exaltation which God designed
should be mans, through obedience to the law which He had suggested
He became Satan after he was cast out under the direction of the Father through his Son Jesus Christ
Also called the dragon, the serpent, the father of all lies
P5 - ...Christ and Satan, together with the host of the spirit-children of God, existed as intelligent individuals, possessing
power and opportunity to choose the course they would pursue and the leaders whom they would follow and obey.
What do we learn from this statement?
o We existed as intelligent spirits in the preexistence,
o We had free agency just as we have now,
o We knew that we needed to progress there was already a plan
What was that plan?
For in view of the creation of the world and the placing of men upon it, whereby
it would be possible for them to obtain tabernacles, and in those tabernacles obey
laws of life, and with them again be exalted among the Gods. Footnote 2, P1
o Just a thought where did we live in the preexistence what kingdom?
P7 Jesus was ordained of the Father to be the Savior of mankind in the august Council
What is an august council?

o A council that was marked by Majesty, dignity or grandeur.

this is our earliest record of the Firstborn among the sons of God

Many prophets attest to the Saviors role in the preexistence: Moses, Abraham, Isaiah, Job, Peter, John, Paul, many Book
of Mormon prophets, Joseph Smith, and most important Jesus Christ himself. Behold, I am he who was prepared from
the foundation of the world to redeem my people. Behold, I am Jesus Christ. I am the Father and the Son. (P15, Ether
He was the first born
He was ordained of the Father to be the Savior of Mankind
Was with the Father from the beginning with preexistent power and rank of Godship
All things were made by him; without him was not anything made that was made
o See Footnote 1, P2 referencing Abraham 3:24-28
His appearance to the bother of Jared showed that he was a spirit but he would appear unto his people in
the flesh. (P15)
He willingly accepted his role as the redeemer and agreed to dwell among men to be their exemplar and
P11 Our redemption is not to be secured through corruptible things.., But with the precious blood of Christ who
verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world (1 Peter 1:19, 20).

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