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————— ma TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION GAME SET-UP ‘Components Conmters sess ‘Ship Record Sheets Mapsheets. Dice Mapsheet Layout ...sssesseeenerseeeereeees 3 PLAYING THE GAME... ‘Sequence of Play... Initiative Phase: Power Allocation Phase... Movement Phase ‘Combat Phase POWER ALLOCATION Maneuver ‘Weapons MOVEMENT Maneuver Capabil “Hles Ships - Satter Ships « Hex Ships Hex Ships - Gunboats, Corvettes, and Bscorts Fighters . Drift Stacking. Rolling. Om apg Shi COMBAT Firing Arcs. Linesof-Sight Range ‘TorHit Procedures Base To-Hit Nomber ‘Target Shield Factor Moditicr Damage Modifiers... Other Moditiers Modified To-Hit Number. DAMAGE Bays ‘Spinal Mounts Turrets. Fighters - Missiles <2. ...e0scsceeee Widowed Armor. Damaging Internal Components. ‘Command Systems Engineering » ‘Sub Light Drive Systems ‘Weapon Systems Supersructure Faster-Than-Light Systems Armor cee CRA : LRA Missile Attack Value ‘Movement . PATROL CLASS SHIPS. Power Allocation Movement Combat Conversion Thrust Shields AIMOC escent eect : ‘Weapons 2% Damage ae ‘OPTIONAL RULES . 228 ‘Variable Shields and Alternate Power Allocation 29 Fighter Casuaties «5 -.esssesceeseseseeseee 9 Pilot Survivat » Damage Control Parties .... cee Commander's Skill... 2x0 raven Ester Tha he Spend of Lig EIT Orbital Installations... ..+sscseseessseesee ML Abunulninian aston Sd Space and the Ground .. 2 ‘Grouse Installations eeeeenrentes) Aumenpherie Movement ae Imerfuee Zone Movernent a Graviry Well Movement. 2 Combat u Support and Centurion ....++++ Mistile Barrages os Return Fire Fall Leviathan/Centurion Integration . SHIP CONSTRUCTION... : 3 Ship Class -.. sees 36 Tis Engines ..cccccceceeeeeeee feos 36 Armor « 2 ‘Weapons fees coe ‘Spinal Mounts... eens) Bays cette 39 Missiles rr Turess heed? Shields . 2 Contras. Extras secs ceeeecreesee Cargo Space aren a Filner Bays a ‘Small Ship Bays. 248 ‘Checking Limit Fill Out Record Sheet ‘Optional Construction Rules Scale Comparisons Syracuse Banha Puleur Serpens : ae Keres 250 RENE Copyright 1089 FASA Corporation. AU Ri Printed ithe United States of America ws Reserved ommomneatnRenene Legion Repulse Carthage no Valiant Exeter Ajax ‘County SCENARIOS feesietseeescaeeeees ST Meeting Engagement 237 The Swaren . co 258 The Chase ....seeeessee 59 BACKGROUND AND HISTORY © 160 160 Procurement . 260 TECHNOLOGY T-space Communications ane Detection cd Phase-Polariation System oe ‘Very Large Communicacions Array a ‘Communications Networks a Doppler Ship Detection 6 Space Weaponry....... Lasers 6 Laser Crystals ot Shielding .-.-. 2 6 GADE LEGION and TOG are traemarks of FASA Corporation, Published By FASA Corporation P.O, Box 6930, Chicago. IL 60680 TF LEVIATHAN Game Design LL. Ross Babcock tI Sam Lewis Jordan Weisman Writing, 1. Ross Babeock [8 Sam Lewis Playtesting Bart Smith George Williams Brad Buiter Michael T. Hebert Heney Tyler Bobby Howell Rob Oswald Paul Wellner Rich Hollingsworth Editorial Stat Ecdivor-bn-Chieg LL, Ross Baboock I Senion Eaditor Donna Ippatito Fiver im Musser Ecdvorial Avsisent CR. Groen Research Assistans Kent Sto Production Staff An Director ana Knutson Box Art Steve Vemters Box Design Jett Lanbenstein Todd Marsh Cones Dana Knutson Ship Desigirand itacration Dana Kautson Hbustetion Dana Knutson Joe! Biske dim Nelson tase “Tara Gallagher INTRODVCTION Leviathan isa game that simulates combat between the huge batceships, other capital ships. ancl the swarms of fighter squad one that makeup themain strength the interstellar navies of the Terran Overtord Government and the Commonwealth and their Renegade Legion allies. Comat in space happens nly when berh sides want i€ to Inappen, Most units can quickly escape to T-space in order to avoid battle, Ths, planets and immobile installations become the focal points of most conflicts. Fleets of capital ships, while very powerful, cannot defeat ground installations or space fortresses by themselves. The use of combined arms is the best tactic foe axipulting a major target, just as itis fora smaller one. Whea trying to take a planet, « commander should ir wo land. strike {gion or two to threaten ground-based fortresses, while the big ships engage enemy space units and provide support 10 the round-pounders. Combat between batleship squadrons is diferent from battles between individual fighters. Instead of the Interceptors ‘mad scurrying about, like moths around a flame, Leviathan do theit dance of death st a slower and move stately pace, Al elements of a squadron must act together to prevent one member from being isolatedand cutto pieces by theenemy. Squacions vie forthe best broadside shots as they approach, passthrough each ‘ter, and then ponderously turn around and ze-engage. COMPONENTS Following are the components needed to play Renegade Legion: Leviathan, ‘COUNTERS ‘This game includes 22 boxes that represent the large ships found in this pame, The boxes are not in sale withthe pri used nthe map, butte sizeof the bos indicates he relative sizeof the shipand shows the differencesin maneuverability of various ship classes. TOG and she CommonweslhiRenegace Legis exch hhave one 4-hex batleship, two ex cruisers three er trie ates four I-hex destroyers, und one hex carrer Also included are many tia counters thst represen fighter seuadrons, flights. and groups, gunboats, corvettes exit Sllations, satellites. sseruids. missles, and space debris, GAME SET-VP SHIP RECORD SHEETS Leviathan uses several different types of record sheets help Keep wack of movement, power allocation. and damge for various ship types. There adfferent record sheet fo exch class of capital ship. The Fighter Record Sheet is used for wnitt of fighters ‘The Installation Sheet i used for VLCAs. erysta Processiny plants ard any ether typeof space facility. The Patrol ‘Class Record Sheet 1s used for gunboats corvettes, and escos Ship and thstalation sheers contains pce toe display of te craft's armor satay, shield satus, armaments, power allocetion, and! movement orders. as well as the interal eomponent block. ‘Vhe Fighter Record Sheets are much simpler, showing armor boxes and movement capabilities, as well ag the uni’ offensive capabilities, MAPSHEETS ‘Leviathan is played on two or more 22 34 inch mapsheets ‘They show the emptiness of space, To help regulate movement ‘and combat. the mapis divided intoa grid of six-sidedareas called hhexes, Hex maps provide more fesibiliy han square-grid maps. asthey offer possibilities for movement in six direction instead of four, Each hex on the map ix roughly 75 kilometers (about 45 miles) across. aml each game tar lasts sbout 5 minutes, DIE ‘This game uses one ten-sided die. The sides aré numbered from 0108, withO representing 10. fn this game, aro of i isan automatic success and a roll of 10 means automatic failure MAPSHEET LAYOUT ‘To play the gare, simply lay out the mapsheets on a ble oF Con the floor in way agrevable 10 all players and so that everyone has easy access 1 all pats of the map, Next. the players decide Which scenatio they will play, one of their own design or & published battle. If desired or called fer by the scenario, place ‘asteroids andor installations on the mapsheet, This cen be done randomly. or the players can take turns placing the objects on the maps. Players shoutd then fill out record beets tee each ship fipier unit. oF installatin to be wsed in the bate. Some recone sheets are supplied already compleed anal may be photocopied. PLAYING THE GAME Paying Leviathan is simply a matter of maneuvering play- Ing pieces on the mapsheets and using the die to resolve combat. Skill is equized 0 execute dhe movements of the lager ships and to allocate power so thatthe ship ean deliver the most damage possible atthe most opportune time. SEQUENCE OF PLAY “The sequence of play regulates the players actions and gives steactuce tothe game, lis Fist af eventsnd procedures isrepeated until he conflict resolved. Each tun isdivided intoan Initiative Phase, Power Allocation Phase, Movement Phase, and Combat Phase INITIATIVE PHASE Each side rolls a single die. The side rolling the lowest rnurnber gains the initiative and chooses which side moves first, sz most cases forcing the other side to move fist Itis usually an advantage to see where an opponent will move so that friendly ‘movement can react and take advantage of enenay maneuvers. In some eases. though, especially where an objective is at stake, moving est may be the best tactic. ‘An Optional Rule uses the squadron commander's Leaders ship ane Tactics skills to modity te intistive de rol, POWER ALLOCATION PHASE All capital ships allocate power to movement and weapons. MOVEMENT PHASE ‘Ships move according (o their size, with dhe largest ships ‘moving frst and the smallest fighter unit moving last. Units are moved in the following order: Figner Groups Fighter Flights Figher Squadcons ‘Any individual small erat or fighters Allunits of class must move hefare the Fistunitof the next lass moves. 'Nomnally.the loser the initative wil be forcedtomove one ‘ot is tleships irs, then the winner ofthe initiative must move fone oF his batleships. Play continues in this manner until all battleships have moved. The Movement Phase then continues in ‘movement of each side's ‘eruisers. and so on, class by’ lass, until all playing pieves have moved. ‘When ane side has no units in particaar class, his opponent ‘must aioe all of his unity befare alternating movement begins With the neat class. ne mater whe fas the incisive. Likewive. When one side has many more units i a particular class than the ‘other. the movement sequence Should he Staggered so that the player with te initiative i able t» move one af his units within the clans last and so tht one side Goes nox Move a urge AuMber of pieces stone time, For example, @ TOG cruiser squadron consisting of one ‘riser, one frigate and four destroyers is raiding & Common- wealsh planet defended bya Renegade Legion squadron consist- ing of ro frigates. wo destroyers. and three Fighter groups. In thefirsiturn the TOG player wos rhe iiranive. Movement would {follow this sequence: TOG eruiser {The RL player has no ship ofthis class and it isthe largest ship inthe baste, and so tt must abwass move firs) Burch RL frigates (The player winning the titative must aba be able ro move the fast unit inany ven class. Inthiscase, the TOG player has only one frigate. ad 0 alt RL frigates must move first) 0G frigate TOG destroyer (Because the TOG player has a larger number af destrosers than the RL player, moverient mast he broken up 30 that the TOG player moves aunt last ard sa the TOG player does aot move a great umber of ants at one tine.) Rhedestioyer 270G dessrovers RL destroyer ‘TOG desroser (As the winner of bitiative, he TOG plaver ‘must he able to move the last unit within each Tass.) AWRL fighters (The RL player is the only one with fighiers. ‘and fighters move afer all other larger ships. Inthe next tum, the RL player wins initiative, and movement proceeds shis way: TOG cruiser {As the largest ship in the bute, t still moves “firsts RL frigate TOG prigare RL frigate 2 TOG destroyers (Again, when one side has many more units ina single class, movement mast be broken up so ‘thatthe winner ofthe niiaive nares the last wnit und 30 movement of the rest of the units is as even as possible. RL destroyer 2 TOG destroyers HL dewrover AIAL fighters COMBAT PHASE All non-fighter tacks are carried ut and resolved, and ‘amage is applied, Then sll fighter auacks are resolved, taking ‘any new damage into account. All damage is considered siml- taneous, with the exception of damage 10 fighter Unis, which is ‘applied etore they make their attacks. Fr esumpe. in the vai sted above, all of the capil ships Hretheir weaponsand record damage. ine lading anacks by TOG ‘pital ships against the RL. fighters. Damace done 19 a capital shi that Fes non we fired dives not take effect url the nes tur Pama is rocarded against the fighters and takes effect hefare (hes fie. Ouve this has Deen deme, suriving fighter units my make there antacks Damage done to eapital ships does not eake tet wist after ait fighter auacks. Ship esplasion checks are ‘made atts ime. aor fight eamibur bt Before the nent tara POWER ALLOCATION [No ship has ever been built wi enough power to supply the demants ofall the equipment usualy installed, This shortfall especially noticeable in capital ships. which mount aumerous, ‘weapon systems on such a scale that no ship could generate enough energy to power all of the weapons all he shuelds 10 exremely high levels, and the mancuver drives that allow a battleship to move like a fighter. ‘Shield power levels are fixed during construction, 0 the: player must allocate the ship's nor-shield power between its ‘weapons and maneuver drives. Normal aflocation is half of the ship's non-shield power toeach system. By using the ship's power shunts, a player cun divert all of the nen-shield power fom one system fo the other. thereby doubling one system and leaving the ‘ther temporarily powerless. Damaged power systems supply less energy. Ship Hex MANEUVER Power available to maneuverdrivescan be used tochange the ship’ velocity oF its hesding. A ship's Thrust Rating is based solely on its class, Te procedures for maneuver are explsincd in the Movement section. The following table shows the poser available to mancuver drives of various sizes of capital ships. ‘Thus a 4-Hex ship (battleship) with a norma allocation of power has 2 thrust points available co change its velocity or heading. It teceived adauble powerallocation,iiwouldhaveup {tod thrust points. ‘Ifthe maneuver power system is damaged. the player may not hunt power out of the maneuver system, but may sill shunt ‘power in, Damaged maneuver power systems generate only tall ‘heir normal thrust points, A ship with damaged maneuver power systems can will make heading changes, it just has fewer thrust points available, Shuncing power into the maneuver drives simply ‘doubles the numberof available thst poims. A4-Hex ship with ‘a damaged maneuver power system and a double power alloca tion has 2 thrust points available. Available Thrust Points ‘Normal Allocat ouble Allocation ‘Undamaged Damaged ——-Undamaged Damaged 2 8 6 4 4 WEAPONS “Thenormat allotment of power tothe weapon systemsallows ‘ship 10 fire ils spinal mount or one broadsie. A broadside includes all of the weapons on one side of the ship. plus those facing forward and aft, Turrets are always powered unless all power is fost because of damage, Power shunted 1 the weapon system can be used to ite the spinal mount or an additional roadside the weapon powersystem is damaged, abroulside may stil fire as normal, Power may aot be shunted out from a damaged ‘weapon sysietn, however. and the spinal mouncmay be fired only by shunting poser from the maneuver drives. Powers ost iit is nar used in the tm itis allocated. Unused ‘power may not be accumulated from turn to turn. Power alloca tion is shown nn the Ship Revord Sheet in the series of boxes ust ‘elaw the ships armor boxes. In the Wezpons and Maneuver rows, simply mark an N for normal power allotment, a 2 tor a double powcr aotment, and a dash fr no power, Ths is done for every trm that the ship remains in play. Some types of internal damage dictate certain power silocations. A player does not need twindiente which weapons are prysered until the Combat Phase. Movement in Leviathan s much ike thatinother Renegade Legion games. ach ship must keep track a its velocity and use thrust points co change velcity and heading. la addition, lager ships mast travel & Fixed number of hexes before making a heading change, na mater what velocity they ate traveling. AS in Interceptor, ship must travel i a straight line unt the plot alters its heading. The ship's velit remains constant unt the pilotchanges it by applying thrust. Ths. sipcan remain in the same hex wipha velocity of Dor drift at any constant velocity for as long at stays onthe mah. Capital ships’ movement depend on their las, Alt frigates move slike. forintance. Because ofthe great size ofthese ships, powerinass ratios vary litle within a class, and so movement horacersties do nor change from ship to ship as with fighters, tout, corvenes, and escons, Bach cass of capital stip discussed in the Maneuver Capabilities section. Tn Levlatbun. 1 point of velocity equals one hex of move: ‘meni and thrust point can incrense or decrease velocity by | point, very craft must face one of the sx hexsides. A ship's facing ates both its movement and its combat. and a ship can change ‘acing only during the Movement Phase ship's heading i the ‘rection itis traveling. Inthis game, a ship's heading and facing ae always the same MOVEMENT ‘Thus is nceded to change a ship's movement. Each ship is esigned witha specified Thrust Rating, which i the maximum amount of thrust that may be used to change the ship's velocity. ‘Thrust points also change the ship's heading. Extra thrust points ‘may be shunted into the maneuver drives from the weapon systems, Shumted power may be used only co change a ship's heading. never to change a ship's velocity. ‘A player may use thrust points to change velocity omly atthe ‘eginning or the end of movement, but not at both paints nor at any time in between. Thrust points used at the beginning of movement change the turing velocity and affect the movement ‘ofthe ship in the current Moventent Phase. Thrust applied athe ‘end of movement affects only the ctal’s beginning velocity for the next tur, ‘One thrust point can snerease of decrease the ship's velocity by one. A ship's velocity can never drop below 0, but Man increase o a8 high @ level as the ship's commander desires. OF ‘course. a craft's maneuverability at high velocities is severely Timited. Thrust spent on changing the ship's velocity does not change is facing or heading. Regardless of how many theust points are applied during a tn, a shipmust move as many hexes asits beginning velocity. which may be modified by thrust spent at the beginning of movement. Unused thrust points ate lost and ‘cannat be saved for use in Furuse rams. ‘The amount of thrust needed to change a ship's hewding by ‘ane henside (60degrees) depends on its velocity. Thisthrus point cost is shown ga the Heading Change Table HEADING CHANGE TABLE, Current Velocity, ‘Thrust Cost ‘The Thrust Costcolumm of the above table shows how many ‘thrust points ittakes to change che heading and facing ofa ship by ‘one hexside ata given velocity. Its posible fora ship to buildup, somuch velocity that it cannot generate enough trust ina single turn co change its heading. In this case. the ship may not make heading changes until it has slowed 10 a speed that allows ‘changes. Once the thrust points have been applied, movement continues inthis direction until the player expends more thrust points to change i. Remember that regardless of facing changes, the ship must move as many hexes as its beginning velocity, subjoct to any thrust applied to change velocity atthe beginning ‘of movement, Thrust points to change facing may be applied at any point during movement MANEUVER CAPABILITIES 4-HEX SHIPS ‘With normal power allocation, 4-Hex ships (battleships) have 2 thrust points available for maneuvers, changing efter velocity or Foing or bth. With double powerallocaion. the ship. has 4 hrust points for maneuvers, bute 2 (te basic allorment) ‘may be wsedtochange velocity. Batleships and other Hex ships rust rave ina straight line fr thre hexesaftera heading change before they may change their heading again. The simple rule for ‘his and orany other ship i that he aft hex ofthe ship must reach the hex where the ftant ofthe counter Marte before it swings its bow, pivaring on its stem, 60 degrees or une hexside to its new heading. A player may accumulate hexes of straight movement rom tn toturn tomect the requirements forturning. Consult the Drift section of the rules fora detailed explanation. 3-HEX SHIPS (Cruisers and other 3-Hex ships move exactly a 4-Hex ships cexceptthatthey need ravelonly ewohexesina straightline before ‘making a tum, 2.HEX SHIPS With basic power allocation, Hex ships (higares) generate thee thrust points. Power shunted in from the weapon system ‘enerates an additional thre thrust poims. A player may use a ‘maximum of three thrust points to change the ship's velocity. Additional crust points may be used only for heading changes. Frigates and othec2-Hex ships mustiravelateastone hexseaight before making a heading change. L-HEX SHIPS ‘With normal power allocation, I-Hex ships (destroyer) ‘generate 4 thrust points. Power shunted in from the weapon systems generates an additional 4 thrust points, which maybe used only for heading changes. Destroyers and other Iles ‘capital ships may make one heading change per hex GUNBOATS, CORVETTES, AND ESCORTS (PATROL CLASS SHIPS) ‘These flat counters represent vessels smaller than capil ships bur larger than fighters. Meir thrust is fixed in the consirec- ‘ton process and may be used to change ether velocity orheading. Powermay note shunted between maneuver drivesand weap systems. These ships may make as many heading changes x single hex as desired. FIGHTERS, Fighters re represented in Leviathan by flat counters. Thy can be organized into squadrons (six fighters). flights (fur squadrons), or groups three Mights) The larger organizationsce ‘ore durable and can do more damage, but they are slower il ‘cannot pinpoint their shots 25 well, ach fighter unit has a Thrust Rating, determined by te fighteriypeand modified by ts organization. A listoffightersand ‘heir Thrust Ratings appears in the Fighters section. This raiog isthe number ofhexesthe unit may moveina single tm, Fighers hhave no facing and expend no thrust or movement costtochasge ‘their headings. Thus, fighter unit may move from hex 10 ex ia any manner, up tothe fimit ofits thrust cating. Fighters need ot keep trick of velocity. Instead, they may move any number upto ‘hei thrust rating. regardless of how fast they moved the previsus tum, DRIET Moving stowly, large ships sometimes do net move enough betesinasingleturntomakea headingchange. Ships ae allowed to keep rack ofthe number of hexes that they have drifted from tuo tum. A cov on de record sheet is provided for this purpose. Iashiphas moved suiciem exes ina straight ine itmay make ‘sheading change as is frst movement action. For erample,ahattleship witha velocity of ?cannor moverthe three hexes in a straight line necessary to make a 60-degree heading change. At the endof the urn, the player writes downin the Drift record box that the beutleship moved two Keres in a Straight tne. The next tur the ship needs to mave onty one move hex befare making a facing change. Similarly. a cruiser with a speedofcouldmove three heres straight. mate afacing change, and ave to more straight to finish the turn. The player records Inthe Drift box that the ship had moved rwo straight, andthe nest turn thecruiser could make afacing change asitsfirst movement. STACKING There is no stacking limit in Leviathan, though there are ‘easons why ships should not bunch up inthe same hen. Besides the fact that stacked pieces are awkward 19 handle, especially if the ships have different headings, 2 group of ships becomes an inviting target for misile attacks, ROLLING Amancuver available 0 all capital ships scaled the rol. As all naval personnel know. up is telative term on a ship with an anifcial gravity field. Space battesare three-dimensional dances ‘of death and destruction in which ship commanders try to aim ‘their bateries before the enemy can, After an initial encounter, combat in theee dimensions almost invariably becomes conflict ‘with both combatants on the same plane, though It might be far {rom what was originally thought of as horizontal. Because ofthis phenomenon and for ease of play, Leviathan simulates ship ‘combat on a two-dimensional board. ‘ Leviathanallshipsbepina battle with thesame"up” tientation, As the batle progresses and ships begin to take significant damage, aship may choose to perf 8 rll manea- ‘et. Tis maneuver allows a ship t0 rol over to present an un «damaged sie othe enemy, This maneuver costs I het point, regardless ofthe ship 'selas or velocity. This reverses the ship's right and left sides, and so players should pay close tention vo {he and L markings found onthe box slaying piccesin order to keep tack of which side they are shooting a and from, A roll maneuver docs not change a ship's velocity or heading, only hich broadside faces which direction ‘The rol maneuver allows ship to presenta different side 10 the enemy much more quickly than it could by tuming around. ‘Another benefit ofthe roll maneuver i that ships with thruster damage can stl change their heading i the desired diretion by first rolling te ship and then using undamaged thrusters totam the shipinthe irectiononce controlled bythe damaged thrusters, For example, after sustaining 100 points of damage from a TOG battleship in one rurn, a RL-cruizer commander chooses to performaroll.Thispresentsafresh side afarmor tothe batleship to prevent internat damage from a new broadside, OVERLAPPING SHIPS. ‘When ship counters overlap, it does not mean thatthe ships ‘re inthe same hex. For all purposes except caleulating range, ‘each ship isin the counter's rear hex. Range is always 1 when firing at an overlapped ship, except that turret weapons fring st fighter use range 0. ‘When firing at un overlapping ship, use the rear hexes ofthe ships to determine firing arcs, defensive shield, and armor ares COLLISIONS White technically possible, itis a rare occurrence for two ships to collie in space. Space is vast, and most captains stay clear of other ships, even when moving in.close formation. There have, however, beer hundreds of intentional and unintentional incidents throughout the ages InLeviathan, collisions are possibleonly when the afthex of ‘wo counters overlap at the end of movement. Possiblecolisions are resolved after al ntovernent and combat, ‘When ship counters occupy the same Dex. first determine ‘which sides face each other. Bach player chooses aside the hex. If both players choose the same side, roll adie to determine who ets his choice. Then use the following procedures to resolve the situation ‘When neither ship is attempting to ram the other, resolve ‘combat and then roll one die for each ship. Ifthe numbers are the ‘ame, there has been a collision, Find the minimum damage for the larger of the wo ships on the Collision Damage Table, and assess that amount on each ship on the sides that Bi COLLISION DAMAGE TABLE Unit Class Minimum = Maximum Damage Damage Fighters 0 0 Patrol Class 10 40 Destroyers 25 100, Frigates 40 160 Cruisers 50 230 Bartleshipe 100 400. If one ship is artempting to ram another, use slightly diferent procedure. Ram attempts must be declared ater move ment but before combat. ship with damaged maneuversystems ‘may not attempt to ram. Ramin ships ave not allowed to ire because the cre is busy bracing fr the impact. scrambling for the lifeboats and praying. Though possible fighter ram attacks are ineffective. To resolve such an attack, simply remove the fightercourter from play. Nonfightr ships canner ram a fighter. “The target ship may fire all bearing weapoas that have been powered, including tures, before the ram stem is resolved. ‘Combat is considered tobe a range of 1. ‘Then each player rolls a die as before, but the result is ‘mositied as Follows because it is much easier fora smaller ap to ita larger ship. Subtract the hex size of the stacker fom the hex size ofthe target. If the numbers postive (meaning that the attacker is smaller han the target) the attacker may use any or ll ofthe dference to modify his die roll achieve the collision. If {he result is megatve meaning that he attackers larger than the targed, there is no collision. I there isa collision, the attacking. ‘captain can make ita glancing blow. a head-on erash, or some thing inbetween. He maychoose any amount of damage between the minimum and maximum listed for his ship's class on the Collision Damage Table. The di oll modifier used to achieve the collision reduces the chosen amount of damage tothe target ship acconing othe fellowing table. The attacking ship's damage is ot reduced, COLLISION DAMAGE MODIFICATION TABLE, Die Modifier Used Damage Reduction 0 0 ‘ 29% 2 50% 3 1% For example, a defectng TOG frigate captain has hud his ship severely damaged by the batleship tats sing 0 Prevent is escape. Seeing that he will not get aay the TOG capucin artemen to desioy the uleship by ramming it He maneasers sailing frigate what itaporoackesthe bateship fromthe rear “andendsitsturn nthe at exo the échexbarleship. He delares his intention to ram, and the Pash’ tt bas and tures ‘tack The risa captain records the dam and then besins the colision pracedure for an itemional ram. Te frigate ep tain rst subtracts the ex size of his ship from ha of Hs target. This aves the mumber 2 ashes ship minus @2-her ship. The (Prigate captain can now use this number as a plus or minus ‘niir to his ert 10 match the rol of the hatteship. The battleship captain rats a 5, and the frigate captain rolls a6 and saera-1 mifer to achieve the colsion As the atackr, te frigate captain chooses how severe the collision will be, He chooses the maximut allowable for his ship ‘ass, 100 points. The amount of damage tothe battleship is reduced according to the Collision Damage Modification Table, which shows that with a modifier of 1, damage is reduced by 25 Dercent.Sothe damage done tothe batleship 120 points (160 tras 25 percent). The 200 points of armor inthe atleship' aft tally absorbs this damage. The frigate absorbs the full 100 poine Astheanackerhetaeshisdamage on hefont side itk 100 poirs enough o remove any remaining armor and damage cveryinternacomponent os. The igate is destroyed and mast check fora posite explosion. ‘The basic objective in Leviathan isto destroy the enemy. To ‘do this, each player maneuvers his ships to their best firing ‘postions and resolves the attack. Imponiant factors involved in smakinga suecessfulatack refiringarcsandrange. Shipscanfite atmany differentargetsina single tur. Each weapon system has its own fie control and tracking system and can operate in de- pendently, and cach system can fire only once per ur, Detailed ‘ules for combat involving fighters and pao! class ships can be ound in those sections ofthe rues, FIRING ARCS A firing arc is the area of space around a ship where a par ticular weapan can be aimed. The four basic areas described by ‘such acs are Forward, Aft, Left, and Right. The size and gecme- tty ofthese arcs depeisd on the size ofthe ship, shown in the illustrations below. Any object within the lines delimiting the firing are isa porential target ofthe weapons mounted within that are Ifa target isin more than one fring ae and the ships do not ‘overlap the atacker may freany weapon that bears on the target, Dut the attacker may shoot only atthe part ofthe target that each particular weapon can actually bit. For example. a TOG cruiser hasaCommonssealthbatteship in both its right and its af firing ares asillastrated. The cruiser ima fre is broadvite weapons a: the from tu heres Of the Drautleship and its aft weapons at the rear fo hesex Of the battleship. AS LINE-OF-SIGHT ‘Thesealeofthe mapin Leviathan issuch hata fongve unit {son the playing area, an enemy ean se it and shoot ati There ate no objects that are big enough tohide behind because ships ‘ane formations inthis yarme are very large. RANG! (Comat Runge is he distance fears the stacker 0 his args \Whem ships overlap. Combat Range is |. Weapon Raage is the smaxioum distance & particular weapon can ie. as shown on the ‘Wespars Table on the record sheet. The closer the target the asierit isto ait Ships nay Fire at any hes of theirtarget. UF there is aquestion about hich side this iri eva sides ae the same dlistance sseay. Une defender decides which part o his sip will be antckel For vamp. a Commmonsrealih Valiant, Class frigate faces heee TOG ships. as lustrase. Te Confer Range a9 its targets areas follows: Pra the squaaron of fighiers Ata she coanscr and Storie destayer. Tae frigare ness fre its bf Broadside 22.5110 tras ot efter aH as the ey systems on the ship with Weapon Ringe of heves. Hi may five all of ns ef bred ays a he crise as abt moundsle weapon have weap rage of rleast The rigate muaxfive no mcuponnatthe destroser bec anse he onty weapon mene i the forward fing are, WB 7.5030 taser bar las a Weapon Range of $ al the ranger is § ieses ama TO-HIT PROCEDURE! Comhatcancommence when the atcker determines that is Imended torget is within Weapon Range. The next step is 10 determing the Rise To-Hit Number. This can he found or the Weapons Table or onthe Ship Recurl Sbeet The base nunber is then modiiedby the 1neper's shields, the ship' ToHiwNumber 9 RT ‘TARGET SHIELD FACTOR MODIFIER All capital ships mount massive shield generators. These generators cover the huge expanses of the ship with very hngh flicker ratings. They are high enough to destoy any fighter- carried missile. Theshields do notaffecta projectile fom apn noun For ease of play. a ship's shield setings have heen Fixed Leviathan. ‘These seting’ are further abstracted 1 Factors ranging fcom0 to torepresent sheireectiveness against capital ships’ weapons ‘The illustration above shows the shicel and armor facings for ‘euch cass of eupsatshap. To determine which shield side to use 2 alac, he attacker must declare which hex of is ship wf Bay weapon attacks can originate Srom any hex of The ship. Forward weapons ea fire only from the front hes of the Sip. and aft weapons ean fire only from the rear hes ofthe stip NNoxt. draw ifine from the contr ofthe Firing hex tothe center of the targot hex The hex side this line crosses determines the She'd factor unter stack. TF this Hine hiseets the boundary between two sides. the defender can chewve which takes the atack In Case | below, the raiser is ving at the bataship. The cruiser can bring is ep broadside to ear aginst he last hex of the battleship using lft weapons agains! the Batleship's aft shield The cruisers forward weapons can attack the other thee heres ofthe battleship. The player elects to have the forward ‘weapons attack the indicated hex. and thus the af righ shields and armor ofthe batleship.InCase2, the player elect to fie his leftbroadside athe front hex ofthe batleship and have tha fre originate from he craiser’fronthex. Ths, thsatack wll hit the ‘atteship's forward shields and armor. Ifthe player ha elected tohave the fre originate from ether ofthe other hexes, twould have hi the batleshi's forward vight side. In Case 3, the de- sarayerfivestsright side uy at he ndiated hes. Then bisects the dividing line between te aftand af lef sides The ateship player can elect to have he fre ht ether ar. DAMAGE MODIFIERS ternal damage may affect a ship's ability wo bit a target. Damage to the weapons Fire-control computers and circuits and the Combat Information Center(CIC) affect the To-Hit Number. [Note these modifiers in the data section of the Ship Record Sheet and apply them as negative modifiers tothe Base To-Ht Number for exch shor from the affected weapon system. OTHER MODIFIERS Small groups of fighters, by the nature oftheir erratic move ‘ment, are more dificult targets For the large weapon systems of capital ships. Subtract I from the To- Hit Number when shooting at fighter flights or 2 when shooting at fighier squadrons. These modifiers affect bay weapons only MODIFIED TO-HIT NUMBER ‘All of the above factors combine to create the Modified To- Hit Number, Rol this number of less on one die to hit the target. ‘As long as the target is within Weapon Range, a roll of 1 will always hit, no matter what the modifiers, Likewise «roll of 10 ‘will always miss, no matter what the modifiers, For example, @ TOG Shiva Class hualeship is facing a ‘Renegade CanhageClasseruiser anda Valiant Class rigate. The ‘Shiva's Base To-Fit Number for the cruiser is 9, asthe range is heres. The cruisersfront shieldsaresetat. There areno other ‘modifiers in tis case, and so the Modified To-Hit Number 9 ‘minus, or 8. The battleship targets the cruisers forward hex tn the case of the frigate, the Base To-Hit Niomber ix 7 based on a range of 7. The frigate’ side shields are set at 3, and so the Modified To Hit Number would be7 —3,0r4..Thebarsleship must now decide which broadside weapons to fire at whick target, The Renegade's To-Hit Numbers are catewlaed as follows: ‘The eruiser has a Rase To-Hit Number of 9. as the range is 3 hhexes, The Shiva's side shields are both set at 4, and so the Modified To-Hit Number is 94, oF 5, The frigate's Base To-Hit ‘Number is 7 and the ship has suffered internal damage titsbay’s {fire control and to its CIC. Thus. ts Modified To-Hit Nuamber is 7 =4 tearget shields) -1 (bay fire contol} ~ 1 (CIC hit). oF I ‘Once a shot has hit is target, damage must be determined. ‘The atacker decides the orderin which damage isresolved, Back ‘weapon does a certain amount of damage ata given range, as shown on the Weapons Tables. Fach point of damage destroys ‘one armor box, or eventually, one internal component box. Asin other Renegade Legion games, the profile of damage varies with the ype of weapon, Leviathan does nothave the great variety of profiles found in Interceptor or Centurion because ‘capital ships use massed fire that averages out the individual ‘weapon profiles, ach side of ship has armor, a8 shows on the Ammot Diagram of the Ship Record Sheet. Each side is configured inten ‘columns of boxes. The number of boxes in each column depends. ‘on the amount of armor carried, 17 DAMAGE BAYS Bays are collections of weapons ofthe same type. They fire ‘together, targeted by the tame fire-contro system, doing damage bby rows, The first hit starts emoving boxes with Columan {, Row | eontinving along the row tothe excent of the damage, The next such hit begins in the aext column where the last left off regardless of ether damage. Subsequent bay damage is marked offin consecutive columns even though other damage may mesa Columns 4,5, and 6 may be marking damage in Row 2, Columns 7 and 3 in Row 6, and Colurin 9 in Row 2 again. ‘SELECTED BAYS (For tut tables sce Ship Construction Chapter) BAY WEAPONS TABLE (10 WEAPONS) Range Power Tons 1 23 46 740 Cost 37580 300 3o0 3 3 2 2 2 73,125,000 37sms 220 2200 3 2 2 2 2 0.937.500 37520 100 160m 2 2 2 2 48,380,000 37snS— 100 022-29 36.562,500, arsno 70 70-2 2 1 a 24375,000 a se 12,187,500 3030 2680 17 58.500,000 30251950 3a30 400. ays 980 s010 00 30s 350 SPINAL MOUNTS. Spinal mounts are massive weapon systems that hurl chunks of steel at near relativistic speeds. Because the spinal mount fires asingle projectile. it cannot be used agains fighters. Nicknamed crowbar’, these weapons do tremendous amounts of damage. de stroying smaller ships and causing internal damage to even the lrgest ship witha single hit. nore the target's shield Factor when calculating the Modified To-Hit Number for an attack with the spinal mount ‘The damage profile of spinal mount is three columns of boxes, with the depth determined by the weapon size, as shown ‘on the Weapors Table, Determine the center of the strike on the {arger’s armor by rolling a di. The hit affects the column rolled and the one on exch side of it. It is possible for & spinal mount hit not wy inflict fs full ‘damage. IfColumn | or |Oof thearmor diagram ishit.the damage ‘othe letorrightof the columanitis lest sincethere are no amor blocks in the area. Aiso, ifthe left or right column overlays ‘revious damage. that portion of damage is wasted. SPINAL MOUNTS: Ponctration ai Range 2346 7.10 tas Tons 1 250,000 5 350,000 8 400,000 500,000 750,000 10,000 20,000 30.000 40,000 Type a, Type B Type ‘TypeD 0 3 5 TURRETS “The Turret factors represent the masses of short-range, defense weaponry om all capital ships. Consisting of lasers, mass driver cannons, small missles, and other fighter-class arma- ‘ments, thecombat effectiveness of these weaponsare generalized ino a single factor, as shown on the Weapons Table, Esch factor represents the turrets on one side of the ship and the damage inflicted by a successful hit, Turrets are effective only against fighters and missiles, ‘A ship's (uret Factors can be split up among as many targets as desired as long as it is dectared before any attacks have been resolved. When all turet targets are a the same range, simply divide the available tet factor points among the possible ‘argets Fuargetsare at differeatranges,the playermust divide up ‘the percentage of uressallocated toeach target and then multiply that percentage of turret factor points for each targets range. Round down tothe neatest whole number. For esample, a buteshp has nwo squadrons and ome fight offighersaitachingfromone side, Allpessble turret targets are athe range of I and the ship's rurets are undamaged. so the Datteship captain van divide up hs sls tarret factor pains inany ‘manner desired As each squadron has only. one arm block lf the battleship captain decides fire one of his points at each “quadeon adhe remaining 4 at he gh, Inno case may here lathe same target mie than ane tine per turn with each nrret factor. ‘When firing at range 0, a capital ship can use only turret {actors on the same side as the fighter’ emry point ‘TURRET FACTOR TABLE Class Range o 1 2 3 Batleship 6 6 5 4 Cruiser 5 5 4 3 Frigate 4 4 3 2 Destroyer 3 3 2 1 Escorts 2 2 1 ' 18 FIGHTERS Differenttypes of fighner units dodamagediferently. Fighter ‘roups inflict damage in the same manner as bay weapons, by ‘ows. Fighter flights do damage asa spinal-mount attack. Fighter squadrons do damage in a column of boxes chosen by the attacking player. This allows fighter squadrons to pick exactly ‘where their damage is done. Certain designated fighter units can make missile attacks against unshielded targets, ether fighter units orcapita ships and ‘other installations with damaged shield generarors. MISSILES ‘Various Renegade Legion games describe several types of missiles. Interceptor describes ani-ighter types, and Centu- rion describes anti-vehicle missles, These are not weapons of ‘mass destruction but missiles designed to damage a small target. HELL munitions, first described in Cemturton, are much more ‘powerful, Those caried by capital chipe are even more devasta ing, capable of inflicting thousands of points of damage. Inspace. ‘these missiles cause only blast damage. not the shockwave and ‘other types of collateral damage of atmospheric explosion. “Though missiles carried by fighters cannot penetratea shield ‘the HELL missiles carried by capital ships are fur more power- {ul—so powerful that a swarm affects all ships within the target hes. A ship carries only one missile system, but it has & 360- gree firing are. To determine the outcome of a missile attack, se the Following procedure Missiles are launched in che Combat Phase. Only one salvo ‘may be fred per turn, and the ship captain should mark off the "appropriate box on the Ship Record Sheet 10 keep track of salvos, MISSILE TABLE Type Range — Damage —-Salvos Missile A 8 50 2 Missile B 10 50 1 Missile 10 100 1 Missile D 15 100 3 Missile E 13 130 3 Missile F 0 10 2 Missile G 10 50 3 Capital ship missiles must be shot at areal target: they cannot ‘besimed at shen, and they cannot be aimed at target in he same ‘hex a the firing ship, The Modified To-Hit Number is simply 10 ‘minus the targer' shield rating. Ifthe attack hits. the full strength ‘of te issile anack is applied oeach side ofthe ship tha is inthe ‘target hex, Ifthe attack misses, that means the shields heldandthe shield rating times 10 is subtracted from the damage applied against the target. ‘Any ship that has operable turret factors and that sin range ‘of the path ofthe missiles, even if itis not the target, may attempt todecrease the strength ofthe attack. The turets attack normaly, reducing the strength of the missile attack by 10 times the tueret, factor. Tarets making such an attack may make no other during the tra. For example.aTOG cruiser shootsa 150-point missile aack against a batleship. The designated targer hex also has an RL desiroyerandfightergroupinit First. the aureasofthe batleship and destroyer attack the missile swarm ar 0 range. Each ship needs a rot of 9 ar less, and Both hit. The batleship does 60 (6 110} points ofdamge andthe destroyer 30(3 x 10).Thisreduces the strength ofthe missile atackfrom 150 1060.The missilesthen make a Ta-Hit Roll against each targer inthe hex. A6 (10-4915 required for the batleship, an 8 (10 ~ 2) for the destroser. and anything basa 10 for the fighter group. The batteship’s shields Iho, bu the missles ger through he shields ofthe destroyer and ‘fighters. The botleship sujers 20 points of damage (60— {3.1033 ‘omits forward lef and right sides. The destroyer suffers 06 pois ‘af damage to each f its 6 sides, enough destroy the armor and ill de 60 points of inverna damage (20 points from each ofthe ship' six sides). The fighter group automatically sufers the fult serengih ofthe arack’s 60 points. which is atmost envi fo wipe ‘When marking off damage by rows, itis recommended that players use a single sist. When marking ff damage done by penetrating weapons, spinal mounts. and certain fighter attacks, players should use twoslashesoran X, Using this ystem,a player ean more rely ell where the las ros damage oscurred. For example, a cruiser suffers a spinal mount attack thet penetrates 5 ron’ deep in Columns 3,4. and $. This damage is ‘marked off us shown in Diagram 1 The ship then sustains 13 points of damage froma taser bay, whichis marked ffas shown ‘in Diagrani2, Next, afigher squadron his the eraser, choosing tofis Column 4 with 4 points of damage, The eruiser nest suffers 20 poins of damage from a bay. These are marked off. starting with Column, which penctraresiniothe internal components, as shown. WIDOWED ARMOR Afterall combat is tesolved, players should check their ships for widowed armor. Widowed armoriscreated when upper layers ‘of armor are underewt by penetratinghits, as shownin the diagram below. Such armor isalso marked off even though ithss not been hit, Armor is defined as widowed when a player cannot ace a continuous path from any block of armor remaining onthe Armor Diagram to the bottom row. This path of armor blacks must ‘connect veticaly or horizantally, not disgonally. For example, a ship takes 4 poinas of damage from afighter squadron. The attacking player decides to have the attack bein Column 9. Next, a 6-poin spinal mount attack hts the ship. and the attacking player rolls a9 for location, The damage starts in Row4 and penetrates dawns rows by 3colwnns wide Atte end ‘af al combat, the armor blocks in the first 4 rows of Colurin 10 are widowed and marked off Fighier Squadson Sirke Fa DAMAGING INTERNAL COMPO! ‘Once damage has destroyed the last row of armor any further ‘damage in that coturan penetrates ito the internal structure ofthe ship. The internal structure is represented by the Internal Compo- rent Block on the Ship Record Sheet. Each ship class has @

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