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Bridgeside Bulletin

The weekly Bulletin of the Catholic Parish of Forster Tuncurry

Proclaiming Christ to the communities of Forster, Tuncurry and the surrounding districts

Sunday 5th July, 2015 - 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

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Dear Parish Family,

13 Baptism Preparation
Forster Meeting Room, 7pm

14 No Mass in Tuncurry
14 No Mass at GLACIA House
15 Pastoral Council Meeting
Forster Meeting Room,

16 Gardening Group
16 No Mass in Forster
17 No Mass in Forster
19 Childrens Liturgy
Forster Church 9am Mass

22 Sacramental Team Meet

Forster Meeting Room 7pm

24 menALIVE
Forster Following 9am Mass

29 Sacramental Parents
Meeting Eucharist
Forster Church Hall 7pm

29 Social Justice Committee

Forster Church Hall 5:30pm

30 menALIVE
Forster 7:30pm

Ive been pondering the benefits or otherwise of name tags for those of us who
attend Church. Whilst it can be a pain and sometimes a little confronting to be
known in the body of the Church by everyone and whilst we sometimes forget to
take them off when we leave Church and go shopping so everyone knows our name
I can think of no better way of building a community of faith without champagne
than that! We all get a bit excited about how that might work. The Parish team is
looking at doing another run of the Parish name tags and you will be invited at some
point to think of buying one. I commend their initiative in part because it identifies
for the great world, particularly when we forget after Mass to take our tag off, that
we belong! And belong to something absolutely extraordinary. We dont have to say
a word. Our name tag says it all.
That said, however, I am particularly taken by the thought that you might wear the
name tag you already have from one of the many and disparate groups you belong
to out there to Church. Why? Because it identifies for me (it is not always about
me!) just how many places the Church has ministers working for the kingdom! I can,
as maybe you can, take the work each of us does by simply being a practicing
Christian for granted. Every day we all proclaim the Word of God in every place we
walk and talk. Young people at one time called it walking the talk! It is in the
simplicity of being kind to an over worked or under-stimulated person on a check
out or counter or stopping to help someone change a tyre on the high way.
It works to for me in being able to call each one of you by name. The symbolic
action of Jesus calling us to participate at his table and to be called by name to
break bread and eat that is so intrinsic to our personal relationship with Him. Isaiah
writes it best in some ways (Isaiah 43:1-2):
And now, thus says Yahweh, he who created you, Jacob, who formed you,
Israel: Do not be afraid, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your
name, you are mine. Should you pass through the waters, I shall be with
you; or through rivers, they will not swallow you up. Should you walk
through fire, you will not suffer, and the flame will not burn you. For I am
Yahweh, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Saviour. I have given Egypt
for your ransom, Cush and Seba in exchange for you.
Or as we sing sometimes in that beautiful refrain by Christopher Wilcock:
Do not be afraid, I am with you.
I have called you by your name, you are mine.
I have called you by your name, you are mine.
How powerful to be called by name, Mary, the body of Christ! and to live that call
as a member of the body of the Christ in everything we do!

The parish are pleased to welcome Bishop

Bill Wright this week. We are delighted
you are sharing this time with us and hope
you enjoy your stay.

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Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

A petition to establish a womens shelter in Forster Tuncurry can be found at

the rear of the church. Please take a moment to include your name to support
this great need in our region.

Recently Deceased

Fr. Greg will be attending Fr John Woods funeral next Tuesday which means
there will be no Mass at GLACIA House or Tuncurry. He will also be attending a
retreat on Thursday and Friday, so again there will be no Mass on these days.

Margaret Lewis, Kim Neade

and Fr John Wood from Scone Parish.

Eric Stewart, Stewart Family, Aubusson
Family, Greg Payne.

St Vincent de Paul
Winter Appeal
The St Vincent de Paul Conference
would like to extend a huge thank you
to those who have donated to the
Winter Appeal. Donations so far total
In particular the effort of the Minnie
Vinnies Conference at Holy Name
Primary School needs to be
acknowledged. Through their
fundraising efforts they have raised
$419.90. It is wonderful to see such a
spirit of support in these young
students, towards helping others in

To those who
The parish would like to thank those
who contributed their wonderful
culinary delights and other assistance
to Sr Louises Jubliee Celebration last
Saturday. By all accounts it was a great
success. Well done all!

Sr Louises 70th

Sick in the Parish

Greg Byrne took some time off to look
after Lauranne last week. Lauranne is
not feeling real well at the moment.
Marie Auld had an operation on her
shoulder and is recovering in Cape
Hawke hospital in Forster.
Please keep these ladies, and other
parishioners who are unwell in your
prayers this week.

Dear Fr Greg and Parishioners,

I was overcome by the love and
support given to me by your presence
at my Jubilee Mass and by all the ways
you helped to make it a special day not
only for me but for relatives and
friends. Thank you for your generous
gifts and for all the cooking you did to
feed the crowd. I especially wish to
thank musicians and the committee
who organised to make it a perfect
day. I shall have Mass offered for you
all. Again, thank you.
Sr Louise

In todays First Reading, Amos says he

did not choose to be a prophet. God
selected him. Maybe God is asking you to
reconsider what you are doing and do His
work instead.
For more information regarding
Vocations contact Fr Brian Mascord on
02 4979 1112 or

St Bonaventure joined the order of
Franciscans in 1243, and was soon
recognised for his intellectual talents. He
was sent to study in Paris where he
taught and preached for many years. He
was a contemporary of St Thomas
Aquinas, with whom he defended the
mendicant friars against their opponents.
In 1257, Bonaventure was elected as the
head of the Franciscans, and has since
been considered the greatest friar minor
since St Francis of Assisi himself. He
wrote important works on theology,
philosophy and mysticism, and was
declared a doctor of the church in 1588.
He was also regarded for his
compassionate and gentle nature and for
his accessibility to those who sought him.

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Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

9am Forster

...of the Word

A: Maureen Stevens
B: Clare Moulder
A: Anne-Marie Greene
B: Genevieve Williamson
A: Sharon Fowle
B: Natasha Brotherton

9am Forster

...of the Word

A: Lou Hope
B: Frank Hayman
A: Maria Armitage
B: Tony Knight
A: Trevor Turner
B: Robyn Ryan

...of Communion
Kylie Hall, Jeanette Goodacre, Michael Amato, Owen
Carroll, Pat Hooker.
Edna Tucker, Graham Griffiths, Maria Armitage, Mark
Mowbray, Peter Wicks.
Lorna Vidler, Sharon Fowle, Robert Moran, Robyn Ryan,
Shioney Neal.

...of Communion
Jeanette Goodacre, Kylie Hall, Margaret Smith, Jake
Siddle, Ruth Pearson.
Cushla Drake, Edna Tucker, Fred Liackman, Kay
Griffiths, Mary Greig.
Anne Moloney, Barbara Kermode, Rob Temesvary,
Sharon Fowle, Greg Byrne.

Text: Excerpts from the English

Translation of the Roman Missal
2010, International Commission on
English in the Liturgy (ICEL); Music:
From the Mass of St Francis 2010,
Paul Taylor. All rights reserved. Used
with permission. Australian Agent
LicenSing Online Lic No. 624844.

This Week

Next Week

First Reading

Gospel Acclamation

Amos 7:12-15
God selects Amos to be His prophet. He is
an outsider in many ways yet his mission is
to speak Gods word of judgement

Alleluia, alleluia!
May the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
enlighten the eyes of our hearts
that we might see how great is the hope to
which we are called.

Responsorial Psalm
Response: Lord, show us your mercy and
love, and grant us your salvation.


Second Reading

Mark 6:7-13

Ephesians 1:3-14
An exposition of the mystery of the divine
love that began before time, came to
realisation in Jesus Christ and will be
fulfilled in eternity.

Jesus commands the Disciples to

preach repentance, to free from
demonic possession and to heal.

First Reading
Jeremiah 23:1-6
Second Reading
Ephesians 2:13-18
Gospel Reading
Mark 6:30-34

Page 4

Fr Greg BarkerParish
Emergency Contact 0417
321 209
Mr Greg ByrnePastoral
Mrs Sharon Fowle
Bridgeside BulletinItems
for inclusion should be
received by midday on
Sr Kathryn McCabe
Aboriginal Catholic Ministry
Loretta Heffernan SRE CoOrdinator
Office Hours
Tues, Wed, Thursfrom
9:30am to 1pm
Fri 10am to 4pm
Parish Office
Located at the rear of the
Parish Hall Forster:
33 Lake Street, Forster
NSW 2428
PO Box 67, Forster NSW
(02) 6554 6304
(02) 6554 6425

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

Office Hours
Tues, Wed, Thursfrom
9:30am to 1pm
Fri 10am to 4pm
Parish Office
Located at the rear of
the Parish Hall Forster:
33 Lake Street, Forster
NSW 2428
PO Box 67, Forster NSW
(02) 6554 6304
(02) 6554 6425
Baptisms: Celebrated
most Sundays.
Baptismal Preparation
on 2nd Monday of each
month @ 7pm in Forster
Church Hall. Parish Office
6555 6304
Marriage Celebrated by
arrangement and with at
least three months
notice. Fr Greg 6554
Preparation Greg Byrne
6554 6304
Rite of Christian
Initiation of Adults
(RCIA) Parish Office 6554

Mary Star of the Sea
15 Peel Street, Tuncurry,
NSW 2428
Holy Name of Jesus
33 Lake Street, Forster,
NSW 2428

Christian Meditation
Every Tues, 9am and
5:30pm. Bob 6555 5914.
Womens Bible Study
GroupEvery Thurs,
7pm to 8pm. Natasha
0407 589 935.
Holy HourEvery Tues,
3:30pm at Tuncurry
menALIVE GroupsDay
group meet second and
fourth Wed after 9am
Mass at Forster. Evening
group meets last Thurs
of the month at 7:30pm
at Forster. Michael
Amato 6554 5284.
Secular Franciscan
Wednesday of the
month after 9am Mass at

Maintenance &
Gardening GroupThird
Thursday of the month.
Howard 6557 6826.
Childrens Liturgy of the
WordFirst and third
Sunday at 9am Mass.
Natasha 0407 589 935.
Novena to Our Lady of
Perpetual HelpEvery
Wed, 11:14am at
Forster. Shioney 6554
Singing PracticeEvery
Tues. Ken Heffernan
6557 6569.
Pastoral TeamFirst
Wed, 4:30pm at Forster.
Greg Byrne 6554 6304
Finance Council
Second Wed, 5pm at
Forster. Greg Byrne 6554
Pastoral CouncilThird
Wed, 5:30pm at Forster.
Greg Byrne 6554 6304
Social JusticeLast
Wed, 5:30pm at Forster.
Tim Prescott 6555 8517


WEEKDAY EUCHARIST (subject to change)
Mary Star of the Sea, Tuncurry
Mary Star of the Sea, Tuncurry
Sat 6pm, Sun 7am
Tues 4:30pm (No Mass this Tues 14th), Sat 9am, Holy Name
Holy Name of Jesus, Forster
of Jesus, Forster
Sun 9am
Wed 9am, Thurs 9am, Fri 9:30am (No Mass this Thurs or Fri)

Sat 8:30am - 9am

Sat 4:45pm- 5:15pm

Mary Star of the Sea, Tuncurry

Holy Name of Jesus, Forster

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