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Cavernous sinus thrombosis complicating

Necrotizing fasciitis
Photo by Professor Chua Chung Nen

A 23 year-old woman developed a left facial cellulitis which progressed relentlessly with necrosis.
Debridement was performed on several occasions to halt the spread of the necrosis. The ophthalmic
team was consulted 10 days after her admission because of left ptosis. Examination revealed poor
ocular movement, an urgent CT scan revealed cavernous sinus thrombosis. She was given antithrombotic treatment by the medical team. The facial defect was later reconstructed with
myocutaneous graft from the thigh by the plastic team.

Debridement of the left face to halt the spread of necrosis.

http:// /Neuroophthalmologypicture6.htm

Necrotizing Fasciitis of Upper Leg

As Dan Akroyd said to Chevy Chase in Spies Like Us, "You don't want it!"
Late stage necrosis of epidermis, subcutaneous layers, fascia, and musculature of upper lateral leg. Site
circumference is dehydrated, crusted, and erythemic. Possibility of necrosed peripheral nervous tissue likely

with onset of local anesthesia (i.e. patient has no perception of pain at wound site).

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