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Tribunal Arbitral du Sport Court of Arbitration for Sport ‘CAS2015/A/3874 Football Association of Albania v. page 72 UEKA & Football Association of Serbis ON THESE GROUNDS ‘The Court of Arbitration for Sport rules: 1, The appeal filed on 30 December 2014 by the Football Association of Albania against the decision adopted on 2 December 2014 by the UEFA Appeals Body is partially upheld. 2. The Football Association of Albania’s request to impose Article 14 DR sanetions on the Football Association of Serbia is dismissed for lack of standing, 3. The fine of EUR 100,000 imposed on the Football Association of Albania is confirmed. © UEFA Appeals Body's decision of 2 December 2014 that the Football Association of Albania is deemed to have violated Article 27.01 of the Regulations of the European Championship 2014-2016 and Article 21 of the UEFA Disciplinary Regulations (2014 Edition) is set aside. 5. The UEFA 2016 UEFA European Championship qualifying match played between the Serbian and Albanian national teams on 14 October 2014 shall be deemed to have been forfeited by the Football Association of Serbia by the score of 0:3. 6. UEFA and the Football Association of Serbia are ordered to contribute each to the legal fees and expenses incurred by Football Association of Albania in the amount of CHF 10,000 (ten thousand Swiss Franes), 7. All other or further requests or motions submitted by the Parties are dismissed, Done in Lausanne, 10 July 2015 ‘THE COURT OF ARBITRATION FOR SPORT Marjne Coens ‘Massimo Coccia President of the Panel

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