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How the Brain Picks up a Second Language?

Learning a language can be an excellent way to open a child up

to another world, and especially at a young age, introducing
new information can be critical to forming syllabus and
language structure.
Learning New Language Has Significant Impact on Brain
According to scientists at the Montreal Neurological Institute
and Hospital, the majority of people in the world who do learn to
master a second language do so at an early age as picking up
the language patterns tend to be much easier then.
Their findings show that brain development after gaining
proficiency of a native language is more easily able to modify
language in the frontal cortex. The left interior cortex can
become thicker and the right interior frontal cortex also can
become thinner as a multi-layered mass of neurons may play a
major role in cognitive function throughout the process of
language, consciousness and memory.
The study suggests that the task of learning a new language is
easier during the early years.
"The later in childhood that the second language is acquired,
the greater are the changes in the inferior frontal cortex," Dr.
Denise Klein said, researcher in The Neuro's Cognitive
Neuroscience Unit and a lead author on the paper published in
the journal Brain and Language, via a press release. "Our
results provide structural evidence that age of acquisition is
crucial in laying down the structure for language learning."
The study authors were able to develop a software program
known as The Neuro, which looks at information via an MRI and
scans bilingual and 22 monolingual men and women living in

More information regarding the study can be found via the

Oxford McGill Neuroscience Collaboration Pilot project.

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