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odernism rban aftemath >M,A,T,L MUNASINGHE h12129E Opened-Up urban issues after Modern movement 2 review on Genius loci by Christian Norberg-Schulz, Chapter- viii - The book written by the Norwegian architectural theorist Christian Norberg-Schulz in 1979 is a reflection of a person who critically looks back on a theory that once he thought was the universal solution for architecture and urban design. The ultimate meaning and the objective of the book is to discuss the man’s relationship with the environment sitting on the basis of “spirit of place”, the exact meaning of the Latin phrase “Genius loci’. Chapter viii is a focus on the present day situation of urban tissue and its influence on the destruction of psychological wellbeing of mankind, and discusses what should be done in terms of recovery. For this he critically examine the modern day trends of built environment in the urban context and try to reveal his opinions on it reviewing modern movements influence. This part of the chapter is a too much of a criticism on the present day situation. But in terms of the facts “what makes the present day situation a visual and psychological chaos” author shows a great success and it makes a huge sense, some of the fats are Character, Meaning, Moods, Space, Individuality and belonging, Identity, Comprehensive extensions etc. In most modern rooms it is meaningless to ask: “What slice of sun does your building have?” that is: “what range of moods does the light offer from morning to night, from day to day, from season to season, and all through the years (Norberg-Schulz, 1979, p. 189) Moods of light - interior of Notre Dame du Haut, or Ronchamp Explanations of the author using examples of architecture and landscape appears to be cute in a sense of both criticizing and protecting the theories of modern movement where he engross a statement of crab towards the international style of architecture. He reveals the strategies of modern movement like open plan and flowing continuum are misused in the modern built environment mainly because of lack of study and depth analysis before adaption. He determines the reasons for the modern day built environmental crisis in terms of modernist’s strategies in urban design, openness causes “departure” which destroys the “gathering”, true basis essence of a good settlement form As this is the last chapter of the book he delivers his solutions of recovery. Work of Luis khan is appreciated as a place and user specific approach, determining the subtlety in the building language emphasized throughout the work of Louis khan. Simply the method of recovery is to analyze the project rather than sticking in to a specific set of rules when it comes to design solutions. - G.M.A.T.L Munasinghe (112129E) -

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