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The modern times surely bring in more conflicts and dilemmas that man can
even possibly handle. The lingering on the past glories and embarking on the
hopes for a problematic free living is a bubble illusionary world. The masses
bemoan on their present being burdened by partially the onslaught of time
and partially owing to the indifference of the political leaders currently not
heeding the plight of the down trodden. Their claims have appeared as
nothing but a grim reality presenting all that is grotesque and absurd.
Grappling with intractable conflicts the common man is in dire need of
envisioning a breath of fresh air in the otherwise confisticated existence. The
government of the present times should also improvise itself through the
concept of envisioning. Every objective that the corporate government aims
at, should encompass all spheres of the welfare of people. The key focus for
any ruling government should not be empowerment rather it should be to
restore public confidence. It should be the first and foremost duty of the
prevailing governance to feed people with hopes through healthy
environmental awareness, improved ethical behavior and sound corporate
governance practices. Defamatory speeches and rumors running rife are
indeed true signs of trouble brewing. Ideas are spoken of but rarely put into
action, the much desired attitude would be the socialist point of view rather
than staunch monarchism. The supremacy of jurisdiction, government
accountability, social regulatory environment and collaborative effort for
general betterment is what may allow mitigating risks which stem from the
misdeeds and lawlessness of many empowered political agents of the
current system at hand. Redeeming would require deep introspection and
insight broader perspectives should be kept in view, plausibility and
probability at hand should be checked for a future of greater harmony. A
leadership with energetic blood and clear envision is the key to put life into
the dead souls moving about. The leadership now-so longed for should be so
dynamic as to provide active envisioning and raised spirits to the people.
There is an ardent need of strategic planning, present system analysis,
peacemaking and future orientation. The constraints and opportunities- both
carefully analyzed that can make an optimal future more likely. Perhaps then
would the people of our country find their true Messiah.

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