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John Smith, Presidential Candidate

Owen Lee, Campaign Consultant
Department of Campaign Awesome
EXT 626-500-9590


21 June 2015


Media needed to win elections

Ohio and Florida are the two of the biggest swing states. Their voting history states that they
both states voted for a Democratic Party two times and The Republican Party two times. Ohio
has 18 electoral votes and Florida has 29 Electoral votes, making these swing states the highest
potential target to amass electoral votes. Campaign efforts should be aimed primarily at these
two states; with media this is possible to gain voters from these two states and many others that
are able to make the right vote.
In the 2012 Presidential elections Barack Obama has 186 solid electoral votes compared to Mitt
Romney with 170 solid electoral votes. There were 10 states in particular to watch for, the swing
states include: Ohio, Virginia, Florida, Colorado, Nevada, Iowa, New Hampshire, Wisconsin,
New Mexico and North Carolina. By making these two states our campaign priority we are able
to gather 47 of 115 electoral votes. Obama in 2012 won the electoral votes of these two states but
only by a small margin. 50.1% of Ohio's population voted for Obama and 48.2 for Romney. In
Florida, 50% voted for Obama, and 49.1% for Romney. Obama totaled 332 electoral votes and
won due to the media and his stance for the middle class.
To gain the votes of these two States, we must appeal to the lower middle class families. The
median income for Ohio is $48,308 and the median income for Florida is $49,956. The effects of
Obama's New Dean plan gained support from lower middle class families during his first term.
His proposed plan for re-election was to close the gap between the rich and the poor by having
the wealthy pay more on taxes. Obama offers a sound plan for their families future and the
future of the United States. Many of the states are struggling with unemployment. Ohio has a
poverty rate of 15.8% while Florida has a poverty of 16.3%. The rate of people who passed
college in Ohio was 25.2% and in Florida it was 26.4%. I believe Obama won the votes of these
people by advocating for more spending on education, cutting tuition funds in half and hiring
more teachers. Though his adversary Romney blames Obama for the recession and half trillion
dollar deficit, the deficit was actually caused by the Bush administration. Obama offers a clear
cut plan that will support the middle class. His plan is to create jobs for the middle class, as he
believes that they are the future, give them tax breaks and tax breaks for small businesses; he
plans to end the war and focus funding on rebuilding America, creating more jobs and technical
job skills needed in todays world. Obama also offers to reduce America's deficit, be energy
dependent by focusing on renewable energy and being energy efficient, tax the wealthy, cut

tuition in half, expand student aid and support American companies. Obamas plan is aimed
toward helping the middle class because they are able to get Americas economy going. While
Romneys proposed plan is to cut taxes for all social classes up to 20% raising an estimated 5
trillion dollar deficit, increase military spending which the military did not ask for, and tax
breaks for the wealthy, putting America into an 8 trillion dollar deficit. Romney's believes in a
trickle- down economics. His plan is to deregulate private business so that they are able to create
jobs. The same plan as Bush's administration that led to the recession. Romney states that he is
going to help America better but does not specify how. While President Obama offers a future for
the American people and generations to come.
To reach out to many people like Obama did we need to create a Facebook and Twitter
page in order to gain supporters and inform them of our cause. In Obama's 2012 ad campaign he
was the first president to use Facebook and Twitter to reach out to potential voters. In the new
age of technology it is advised to campaign online, nowadays 34% of people obtain their news
online, 69% obtain their news on television, 16% obtain their news thru the radio, and 22% thru
the newspaper. The President was able to campaign on social media. Obama dominated the
technological age, he has done intensive research on people that watch popular shows and
appeared on commercials and other social media people are familiar with. With the advancement
of technology Obama was able to reach far more people than if he could in person. Supporters of
Obama was able to spread information about him and quickly gained support. When Obama was
down funds, he sent a mass email to all his supporters and eventually raised $690 million
digitally in 2012.The younger generation of people age 18-24 generally do not participate in
politics. 19.6% of them actually vote. Many of them though are only social media, and when
campaigns from Obama are everywhere and their peers are engaged it also make them engage in
politics. People age 18 thru 29 said they were lobbied online. Obama wisely used the internet to
persuade many young voters to vote for him and undoubtedly work in his favor. Obama spent 10
times more than Romney in his social media campaign which paid off exceptionally.
What made Obamas advertisements more effective than Romney's was that his
advertisement did not hide his plan, he was strong in his stance and did not shift views in order to
please certain social classes. Obama made his advertisement short, personal, and right to the
point. Romneys ad compared to Obama seemed very vague, it did not explain his plan at all, and
only gave a vague promise to make America better showing flashy pictures of how America
should be, touching seconds of families reconciling and the sad looks of middle class workers
who still do not have a job thanks to Obama. It seemed Romneys ad was more of an attack on
Obama's administration, saying how bad it is and then promising that he could do a better job
and return America how it really should be when it was because of the Bush administration that
caused the great recession. It is recommended to avoid how Romney formatted his
In order to make a good advertisement like former President Obama there needs to be
honesty and truth in the advertisement. What made Obama's ad successful was that he did not try
to redirect the audience's attention elsewhere but focus was solely on himself with the
background blurred. President Obama was sentimental to the middle class and their struggle. He

provided facts that the economy has improved during his presidency, establishing his credentials.
He was straightforward with plans and gave reasons as to why it will work. He pointed out that
America needed to be more independent, it needed to produce more energy, and thus one of his
priorities is to create more renewable energy, creating more jobs in the process and lowering
prices for gas. He listened to the people and plans to pull soldiers out of war zones; redirecting
funds to building America. He also plans to support American companies to prevent outsourcing.
What made Obama's ad successful was that he was invested in America. He plans to make
America better as a whole. He cares about what is going to happen to this nation today and in the
future. The future of this nation is dependent on the success of middle class families. His plan
captures the working class interests and that is why he won re-election.
If any questions in getting social media page started please contact me and my team.
Attached: 2012 campaign Ads
Ohio Demographics
Florida Demographics

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