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Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering involves the manipulation and transfer of DNA from one organism
to another, making possible the creation of new species. With this technology can
correct genetic defects and produce compounds.
Dolly the Sheep is the first species cloned the world, this was in 1997, however, genetic
engineering began in 1973 when investigators Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer were
the first parts of your body recombining DNA.
The basis of this technology is DNA, information is divided into spaces where certain
amount is inserted genes, which vary depending on the species.
Today, using this technology to solve common problems such as shortage of donors for
organ transplants, are trying to create transgenic pigs that have organs such as those of
Genetic engineering is a branch of genetics quite controversial for its purpose, it focuses
on the study of DNA, but in order handling. In other words, is genetic manipulation of
organisms with a predetermined purpose.
This purpose can be positive or negative for men, creating fears and speculations,
however, increasingly more practiced in advanced countries.
This technology has numerous applications in diverse fields ranging from medicine to
industry, from manufacturing vaccines and cloning of a person.
In my personal opinion, genetic engineering is advancing the science very important
and could greatly benefit mankind, that everything is in the know use, which applies to
the good and not evil.

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