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He was in primary school when someone asked him, "Who do u wanna be when u grow up?

" He
had rehearesed it many times and so it just came out spontaneously "Engineer!"
His parents were proud already.
He himself had no idea what does that word Engineer mean. But he had heard its the best he can be
in India.
Rest of his teenage went in just to make sure he gets a good engineering seat.
From the very first day at college he got confused. They say engineer's dream is what becomes
tomorrow's reality.

But his college days said engineer's nightmares are days and nights spend in filling journals and
assignments and term end horror of semester exams. He could not squeeze in time for "dreaming".
He got confused about when to study and when to enjoy life. So he studied all through semester and
slept through exams, thought that's the best thing to do.

His peers thought him to dream bigger. By bigger they meant "US". He worked his ass out to get the
ticket to MS in US,only to be disheartened by the reality, when his finance status said "You can't
afford it. So stop dreaming! Wake up and smell the coffee"

By the time he woke up the best jobs he could get were already taken. Walked out of college without
a job in hand.
Such a vulnerable creature becomes victim for so many suggestions: "Do a certification", "Work at
my uncle's company", "Don't worry, something will come up", "Do an MBA!"

With a little confidence he had in himself he got in to one of those IT jobs. He worked his ass out
again with a hope that "Good efforts are always rewarding" only to realise "Your good efforts are
always rewarding... for your boss."

As he could not find any consistency in what he wanted and what he got, he looked for more of those
suggestions, "Do an MBA!" they say.

He had this uncanny ability to do any role. So he humbly got in to MBA without realising that his first
tag "Engineer" is bound to be sctratched out.

All his life he dreamt of being an engineer with a fat pay check that could pay those obese bills but all
he is now is management student, far far away from being engineer.

So reluctant he is, to even call himself an engineer today.

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