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Between The Platos Idealism and The Aristotles Materialism


Where I am
In this case, I tend to Platos Idealism without blaming Aristotles materialism.
This is because of my parents education. My parents education is about Islam. And
there are many similarities between Islams Ideology and Platos. Without blaming
Aristotles materialism, it means that in my opinion Aristotles is not wrong, but has not
complete yet.
In this paragraph, let me tell you four proofs about the similarities between
Islams Ideology and Platos. First, Plato said that there is an idea world (Idea World).
This idea world is invisible (ghaib). Are not we ordered to belief and do worship to Allah.
SWT which is invisible? Next proof is If Mr. Irfan taught us that Idea World is what we
call it as Lauhul Mahfudz in Islam. I will call it more application. I call it as Al-Quran
which is in it there are all the concepts about life. As a proof, there is a research which
prove thats good for a mom to give suck her children for 2 years, whereas Al-Quran
has taught us many years before. The third proof is that Plato said that men and women
have the same intelligent. In this case, Al-Quran said that women and men must work
together in a family. And my last proof is education as bridge to recall again what is in
idea world. As Platos said that actually all the concepts about life have been in idea
world and to recall it we need education. Yes, that is true that all the concepts about
have been in Al-Quran and Allah. SWT has provided as the great communicator,
Rasulullah. SAW to educate us what is in Al-Quran.
In my opinion, Aristotles materialism is not wrong but just has not complete yet.
In Islam we are ordered to tabayun; cross check the reality in the real world. But, is not
our brain limited? We need another brain that is our God, Allah. SWT. As more proof,
does not our sight sometime deceive us? Sometimes what you see is really different
from what your friends see.

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