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When I was reading about the Emit Till murder, and watching the video

about it, I immediately began to think about the current situation in

Ferguson MO, and how even 60 years after the incident, it still appears
as though racist sentiments have not yet vanished from society. When
Emit Till could be brutally murdered, simply for saying two words,
something is indeed wrong with society. And even though this incident
is almost 60 years old, the resounding parallels between this and the
incident in Ferguson are haunting. As Rosa Parks said, Why do you
push us around?. Although Jim Crow has long since been disbanded,
the lingering sentiments of racism still stand strong. And thats scary.
Jim Crow- Systematic oppression/racism; sanctioned by law
-Subtext of sexuality(?)
-14th amendment is HUGE.
-Bandung Conference (Adam Powel)- 1955- Leaders of the non white
world meet in Indonesia, in attempt to end colonization, and to aid in
the decolonization of the British Empire. (1947 Independence of India,
1949 Chinese Revolution, 1957 Independence of Ghana, etc.)
-White men were thinking Hey! Only I get to treat women like that!
Not black guys too!!
- Rosa Parks was probably a socialist. Welcome to Virginia, folks.

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