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Jacques Cartier on the Micmacs' Meeting the French, 1534

What really caught my eye when reading this document was the language, most of which I
could not understand. It seems he was talking like a pirate. The language was bizarre and threw
me off though the story itself was pretty interesting.
I choose this document because it was the first one in the category and got a message from my
Professor that this assignment was actually due today and should read the instructions more
What I will remember from this document is how the men went on a journey and encountered
other people and were deathly afraid that they would be held captive despite the people on the
boat trying to befriend them. The scared them away with their weapons because they wanted to
be cautious. The next day, they met again at the Creeke and this time the foreigners were afraid
and Jacques crew befriended them instead. They happily became friends and exchanged gifts.

What Can You Get By Warre: Powhatan Exchanges Views With Captain
John Smith, 1608"
What interested me the most was how Smith is a brave adventurer. He knew what he had to do
to survive and traded English goods with the Powhatan Indians. The Indians seemed afraid of
his people and only wanted to seek peace with Cpt. Smith. Cpt. Smith reassured him it was not
his people at fault but it was the Indians who broke their promise, despite breaking their promise
Cpt. Smith said to him it is not his goal to harm his people. He said to Powhatan that if he
wanted to harm his people it would have already been done. With a bunch of arguments they
finally agreed to trade but the English people still remained in their land, armed.
I choose this document because it is interesting to see what kind of relationship we had with the
Indian people. It seemed that these people seemed to prove no harm to us but still, we invaded
their territory with our weapons.
What I will take away from this article is how Powhatan and Cpt. John got to exchange their
views and understand each other a bit more. It seemed Powhatan was a wise man and wanted
to avoid war and be with his kids. He even goes to say that he loves Cpt. John and his people
but was afraid of what his people might do to them. He says to Cpt. John that if they worked
together they can remain peaceful. I really liked this part of the story because they seemed
genuine and both parties are able to live in harmony.

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