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Charter House 606 W. Shiawassee Street, Lansing, MI 48933 Phone; 517.371.2077 FAX: 517.371.2430 June 26, 2015 This is a letter of reference for Ashley Carter. Ashley began doing an internship in social work at Charter House on 1-5-15. ‘She was here 5 days a week for 6-8 hours a day. After her internship ended on 4-28-15, we hired her back as a "temp" staff, covering for someone out on maternity leave, 1 would love to hire her has a full time staff person but another agency was able to hire her before I had an opening. Charter House is a psychosocial rehabilitation program and is part of Clubhouse International. Clubhouses have been designated as an evidence based practice, The work we do is cost effective but most important; our members are happy, healthy and productive persons. We do not do "therapy" but practice empowerment, constantly providing our members with positive reinforcement, assisting them to become leaders and learning how to use their v Ashley has shown that she is a fantastic clubhouse staff person as well as an outstanding social worker. She is a Team player who can also act independently. She is able to initiate activities with our members. If she has a free moment she spends it with the members. She has learned to operate in an environment where her “office” is in the middle of a work unit with members all around her. In the clubhouse world, staff do not have offices. There is no “staff only” or "member only" space. Please consider the information below regarding Ashley and her abilities. Academic ability -Ability to use technology: Ashley is quite good with computers. She has used them to research topics and has been able to assist our menbers with Jearning and using computers for everything from how to make a banner to looking up congressional minutes. -liritten communication: Outstanding. She has taken minutes for committee meetings, has assisted menbers in writing letters to their congressmen, and nore, -Oral communication (in English) - Very good. Our menbers understand her clearly. She is very positive in her communications. -Flexibility ~ AWESOME, I really admire this trait in people and Ashley has it, she can handle quick schedule changes and in our program things can change very quickly. She may cone in expecting to work with the members on their computer skills and end up helping them plan an activity. Charter House 606 W. Shiawassee Street, Lansing, MI 48933 Phone: 517.371.2077 FAX: 517.371.2430

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