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Grammar Exercise

Answer all the questions below by choosing on the best answer.

1. Tomorrow, I _________buy some vegetables from the market.
A. will be
B. shall
C. have
D. am
2. The police ___________the thief as he tried to get away.
A. will be caught B. will catch
C. caught
D. is catching
3. The hall __________by the children
A. was decorating B. were decorated
C. decorated
D. was decorated
4. The pupils _______to bring their fees tomorrow.
A. are telling
B. is told
C. are told
D. will be telling
5. We _______by the crowd as we went up the bus.
A. were pushed
B. were pushing
C. are pushed
D. pushed
6. The doughnuts __________for the party.
A. was made
B. were made
C. are made
D. were make
7. The books ________away to the charity fund.
A. was given
B. gave
C. was giving D. were giving
8. Sheila___________ by her teacher.
A. were praises
B. was praising
C. praised
D. was praised
9. The man ______________the chicken and pinned it down.
A. was captures
B. was capturing
C. captured
D. captures
10. The exhibition ___________by the Science Club.
A. was organized B. was organizing
C. organized D. organizes
11. Two days ago,Charles ___________some buried tresure in a cave.
A. find
B. finds
C. found
D. finding
12. The boy in the movie could _____________.
A. fly
B. flown
C. flied
D. flew
13. I usually take this road to ____________the traffic jam.
A. avoids
B. avoided
C. avoiding
D. avoid

14. Please don't ___________useless junk because we don't have enough space in the house
A. collected
B. collecting
C. collect
D. collects
15. By the time we got there, all the seats ___________filled up by the crowd.
A. were
B. had been
C. was
D. have been
16. The snow creature _______________ the kidnappers away last night.
A. were frightening B. was frightened
C. frightens
D. frightened
17. I don't believe that we __________before.
A. meet
B. have met
C. meets
D. meeting
18. As the dogs got closer to him, the postman ___________faster.
A. pedaling
B. pedal
C. pedals
D. pedaled
19. Malik ___________for his courage at the school assembly this morning.
A. was praised
B. were praising
C. praises
D. praised
20. "Let's __________for help," said Skipper.
A. radioed
B. have radio
C. had radioed D. radio

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