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Attivit orale capitolo 2 (oral midterm)

One person (A) is a student, the second person (B) is older (and is treated

They meet and greet each other.

The older person asks the younger about his/her schedule at school (use 54 a)

The younger person asks the older person about his/her family. He or she shows
a picture of his/her immediate family and gives each persons name and age.

A asks additional questions about each. person. (what do they like? are they
married? do they have children, where do they live? etc)

A asks what time it is, B answers, A has to go somewhere, they say goodbye.

1. Try not to think in English first, but use Italian expressions that youve read or
heard before. Thats the best way to avoid translationese. E.g. dont think
whats your name and translate che tuo nome (the horror!) but use come
ti chiami.
2. Each person should have at least 10 significant lines.
3. Ideally you perform your dialog without any notes at all. If you need to consult
your notes, you will be marked down.
4. Never memorize anything that hasnt been checked by an authority
(professor, native speaker, tutor, advanced student).

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