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Q) What do you understand by group and group dynamics?

How does group differ

from team? What are the army stages of team development? Name the following in
Indian or global context and mention their characteristics: (a) An interest Group; (b) A
cricket team

Ans.) Group:- A collection of individuals who have regular contact and frequent interaction,
mutual influence, common feeling of camaraderie and who work together to achieve a
common set of goals.
Group Dynamics:- It is a system of behaviors and psychological processes occurring within
a group. The study of group dynamics can be useful in understanding decision-making
behavior, tracking the spread of diseases in society, creating effective therapy techniques and
following the emergence and popularity of new ideas and technologies.
Group v/s Team:Group is formed for some particular purpose, which may be temporary in nature and will lose
its existence after the purpose has been achieved.
Team, on the other hand, will never lose its existence and will be permanent.
Example of an Interest Group:- National Rifle Association.
Characteristics of NRA:- NRA is governed by a board of 76 elected directors. Of these, 75
serve three-year teams and one is elected to serve as a cross-over director who holds office
from the adjournment of the Annual Meeting of Members at which this person was elected
until the adjournment of the next Annual Meeting of Members or until a successor is elected
and qualified.
Example of a Cricket team:- Australia Cricket team.
Characteristics:- 11 players per team with some substitutes who can act as fielders.

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