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A 1500-year-old church discovered on the road connecting Jerusalem and

Tel Aviv

A 1,500-year-old church has been discovered at a Byzantine period rest stop on

the road connecting Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, archaeologists announced on June
10, 2015

The ancient road station and church, uncovered during a highway construction
project, sit next to a seep spring called 'Ain Naqa'a, which is on the outskirts of
Moshav Bet Neqofa, a settlement in Jerusalem.
Along the old road, which was likely paved in the Roman period, "other
settlements and road stations have previously been discovered that served those
traveling the route in ancient times," Annette Nagar, the director of the excavation
on behalf of the Israel Antiquities Authority, said in a statement. "This road
station ceased to be used at the end of the Byzantine period, although the road
beside which it was built was renewed and continued to be in use until modern
times." (Source: LIVESCIENCE)

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