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I am Sara Dobarro

I am the CEO of my own consultancy, in which I

assist big companies such as McDonalds,
ArcelorMittal or Grupo Hospitalario Quirn, using
my innovative method MSC.

My career
Graduate in Journalism

PhD Speech Therapy (UNED)




PhD Law and
Economics in the EU

A f te r a l o n g c a re e r a s a
communication manager in
both public administration and
private businesses, I currently
work in teaching, investigation
and executive neurocoaching.

I cooperate with Aragn Radio

and Aragn Televisin; and I
teach at Khnel, at University of
Zaragoza and at University of
Castilla la Mancha.

For more information, please visit

Leadership and Coaching


PhD Psychobiology and
Neurosciences (UAB)

Coach Profesional Senior

AECOP - CS 140

Among my books, there are two

that stand out. Pldoras para la
Comunicacin (which is used as
a manual in both national and
international universities) and
Ms Sobre Ti (in which
successful cases are shown as a
result of applying my method).

I like to dePine myself with three

words: humanist and excellent
communicator. I am
continuously recycling and always
learning. I am passionate about
the study of cerebral network
structure. My goal is to share
everything I discover for the
benePit of society.

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