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Seven things students want to know on the first day.

1. Am I in the right room?

Have student names on the bulletin board outside the class
Meet students at the door with class roll

2. Where am I supposed to sit?

Have students name posted on the desk or in front of chair at their table
Take student to his/her seat

3. Who is the teacher as a person?

Introduce myself to the class after the first bell
Continue to be consistent with my classroom management

4. Will the teacher treat me as a human being?

Convey to the students that I will treat all students fairly and uniformly

5. What are the rules in this classroom?

Classroom rules and procedures are posted
Classroom rules will be reviewed (6=36)

6. What will I be doing this year?

Give the class an overview of what will be doing during the year
Provide a class syllabus for students to take home

7. How will I be graded?

Letting students know what the grading criteria will be prior to assignment
Add grading criteria to the take home syllabus for class projects

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