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1. Start Arc/Map programme; Add the required image in the Data Frame.
2. View/toolbar/Georeferencing
3. Select the data frame in the table of contents and right click and select properties.
4. Click General.
5. Set the Map units to the Meters. Set the display unit also to the Meters.
6. Click Apply and then Click OK.
7. Zoom the lower left corner (at the grid intersection) in the neat line of the image map.
8. Click Add Control Points tool in the geo-referencing tool bar.
9. The cursor changes to a small plus (+) sign. With this cursor, Click in the center of the control
point position circle of the image map where you had zoomed in the step no 7. At the same
time and same position, right click. Select Input x and y
10. Enter Coordinate dialog box appears. Enter the proper coordinates in the x and y text panel
of the dialog box. Click OK.
11. Click the Full Extent zoom tool in the tool bar.
12. Zoom to the other coordinate position in the map and then proceed in the same way as
explained from step no 8 to 11.
13. When you finish entering the coordinate of all of the four points, check the image
14. If you feel okay then click Georeferencing in the geo-referencing tool bar.
15. Click Rectify.
16. Save As dialog box appears.
17. Do not change the cell size and resample type.
18. Change the file name as required. Keep the final file in the Rectified folder.
19. Check the final result by adding it in the Data Frame.
20. Remove the entire files and then proceed the work for other images.

Compiled by D. Pathak

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