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Malayan Sap Sam Cheung

In his book "Gambling Games of Malaya", C.T.Dobree describes a version of Sap Sam
Cheung in which three players play against the bank. The bank wins ties on individual
hands as usual. Extra payments count irrespective of whether the hand wins or loses, as

Three of a kind in the front hand: 2 extra units

Full house in the middle hand: 2 extra units

Four of a kind in the back hand: 4 extra units

Four of a kind in the middle hand: 6 extra units

Straight or royal flush in the back hand: 6 extra units

Straight or royal flush in the middle hand: 8 extra units

The special hands, in ascending order, are:

Three flushes: 3 units

Three straights: 4 units

Six and a half pairs: 4 units

Five pairs and one three of a kind: 5 units

Four threes of a kind and an odd card: 6 units

All cards are the same colour: 10 points

Small: all cards are 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8: 10 points

Big: all cards are 8, 9, 10, J, Q, K, A: 10 points

Three fours of a kind and one odd card: 16 units

Three straight flushes: 18 units

All 12 picture cards plus any 13th card: 18 units

All thirteen cards of one suit: 26 units

A special hand, if declared before the cards are exposed, beats any normal hand and wins
the number of units specified in the table (a player wins from the bank, or the bank wins
from all players). If the bank and a player both have special hands, the holder of the higher
scoring hand wins the difference between their values.

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