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I think Immunity for judicial fairness is conflict the constitution.

Discourse if immunity against law enforcement officials, in

particular Komisi pemberantasan korupsi (KPK) sticking after
determination the suspect to the vice charman KPK bambang
widjojanto (BW) by bareskrim polri, but giving immunity for
judicial fairnes considered againts with constitution.
And i think every citizen, including presiden is the same in the
eyes of law. There is no particular difference between the
president, leader of KPK, as well as polri in front of the law.
The chairman of commision III DPR, aziz shamsudin say that
immunity for state officials, law enforcement is not possible
even in UU. As you see, giving immunity for official state will
impact demand similar right for official law enforcement
Im disagree by granting immunity for law enforcement. The
problem was that, there was equality of citizen in the eye of
law, even that if the person is state official.
A law (UU) generally applicable. I think giving immunity will be
a new problem if given only to the one institution
And than giving immunity againts a state official who lodge the
law by a reason would irritatte law enforcement work.
The work of law enforcement agencies is another matter. In law
enforcement, state official is the same as citizens. There is no
excuse for immunity.
And than granting immunity to the institution will be a new
problem, you see, state official who aware of affected of law
problem is likely to ask for the immunity. And than its not will
make the law problem became bright, but the contraty will no
have the legal certainly.
Fair justice is the same for all.

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