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1) Natural Selection
Natural selection can alter
frequency distribution of heritable
traits in three ways, depending on
which phenotypes are favorable.

a. Directional Selection
Shifts the overall makeup of the population by favoring variants at one
extreme of the distribution. In this case, darker mice are favored
because they live among dark rocks, and a darker coat conceals them
from predators.

b. Disruptive Selection
Favors variants at both ends of the distribution. These mice have
colonized a patchy habitat made up of light and dark rocks, with the
result that mice of an intermediate color are at a disadvantage.

c. Stabilizing Selection
Removes extreme variants from the population and preserves intermediate
types. If environment consists of rocks of an intermediate color, both
light and dark mice will be selected AGAINST.

2. Sexual Selection
The differential mating of males (sometimes females) in a
population. Can result in sexual dimorphism (marked differences
in secondary sex characteristics)

Since females make a greater energy investment into producing offspring

than males, they can increase the fitness of their offspring by choosing
superior males.
Males on the other hand contribute little energy to the production of
offspring and thus increase their fitness by maximizing the quantity
of offspring produced.
There are two kinds of sexual selection:

a) Male competiton (Intrasexual Selection)

Leads to contests of strength that award mating opportunities to the
strongest males. The evolution of antlers, horns, and large stature
are examples of this kind of selection

b) Female choice (Intersexual Selection)

5. Artificial Selection
Carried out by humans when they breed animals or sow seeds.
The main goal of artificial selection is to keep desired traits within
The various breeds of dogs have originated from humans breeding animals
with desired traits.

Brussel sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower have all originated

from a single species of wild mustard.
This is what sparked Darwins Idea of NATURAL selection!

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