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Jonah Mae T.



I. Present the political organization of EU, emphasizing its three major political bodies such as
the following:
1. European Commission
2. European Parliament
3. Council of Ministers
II. Who are the member states of EU?
- Austria

- Belgium

- Bulgaria

- Croatia

- Cyprus

- Czech Republic

- Denmark

- Estonia

- Finland

- France

- Germany

- Greece

- Hungary

- Ireland

- Italy

- Latvia

- Lithuania

- Luxembourg

- Malta

- Netherlands

- Poland

- Portugal

- Romania

- Slovakia

- Slovenia

- Spain

- Sweden

- United Kingdom

III. Present a diagram representing the relationship of EC, EP & CM

IV. Justify if EU falls under the principles of Universalism school of thought of IR
Guide questions:
a. What is the process of selecting/appointing representatives for EC, EP, and CM?
b. How many representatives from state for the EC, EP, and CM?

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