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Colham Manor Primary School

Violet Avenue, Hillingdon, UB8 3PT

Tel: 01895 442879 / 01895 442301 Fax: 01895 436492

Headteacher: Mr S Hawley / Deputy Headteacher: Mrs R Fennell

16th July 2015

Re: Reference for Miss Morgan Christie
Dear Sir or Madam,
I have known Morgan for at least six months in my role as Assistant Headteacher in
charge of organising teacher cover and liaising with supply agencies.
I can confirm that Morgan is a highly professional and talented teacher who is
extremely dedicated to her work and the progress of the pupils in her care. Morgan
has shown herself to be flexible in her approach, covering classes right across all
phases from Nursery to Year 6. She adapts to suit the needs of each class as well as
each individual pupil. All staff, for whom she has covered, have been delighted with
the work produced by the children and the high quality marking left in books.
Morgan has also easily integrated herself into the daily life at our school and has built
excellent relationships with pupils, parents and staff alike.
Most recently, Morgan has covered a longer term sickness position in one of our
Reception classes and I have nothing but good things to say about her care of the
pupils and quality of work during this time.
Furthermore, I would state categorically that I would have no hesitation in
recommending Morgan for a teaching position as I believe that she would be an asset
to any school.
Yours faithfully,
Leah Wright
Assistant Headteacher

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