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Vehicle Extraction

1. Working the Near Arm

2. Working the Head
3. Head and Elbow Relationships
Hitting the head inboard to cause the elbow to point outboard
4. Reach around back of head with right arm, apply pain to right side of head
5. Thumb Drag
6. Visor Drag
7. Factors of Reaction and Flow
- Speed of transition
- Rhythm
- Working within the time it takes for them to compensate.
8. Pull them laterally toward you and then rotate them counter clockwise as their
body begins to clear the door.

Look for the shortest path to the ground.

As they start toward the ground, care should be taken that every action you take
furthers the tactical situation.
You work in such a way that not only your direct actions, but also the actions
which could be taken as part of all of the subjects contingency plans, all
ultimately contribute to positive tactical results.
9. On Leverage and Fulcrums

- you can use objects in the car as fulcrums

-you can position parts of your body to act as fulcrums
-- note: where you place the fulcrum relative to his joints; placed as a support
before or after a joint to enhance the ability of a joint to articulate, or placed to be
a fulcrum for the joint.
10. Hyper-function vs. Dysfunction
11. Vehicle Extraction methods are the counter point to Anti-carjacking
12. Using the door of the vehicle in various was as an assist.
-- methods when the door is maintained in a static condition.
- methods when the door is moved on its hinges.
13. Devise some scenarios and change the variables as you train to discover the
overriding principles.
14. Using the forward bending elbow extension reflex
-- remember smooth is fast.
You smoothly and quickly seize and extend his elbow. Before he has an
opportunity to mount any real resistance, his arm is suddenly extended and he
finds himself falling from the vehicle.

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